
Im really messed up. I dont know if im depressed, going through withdrawal or what!

by  |  earlier

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i really need help. I recently gave up smoking super skunk (very strong strain of canabis) and since i have given it up i have had one of the wierdest times of my life! (i have given up for 3days and 2nights now, this being the 3rd night without it). Ive had Very Very Bizzare thoughts, mood swings, extreme night sweats! severe depression followed by unbelievable happiness. I have no idea where my head is at! which really annoys me as i thought giving this c**p up would make me feel better. I would smoke on avarage about 3.8grms of ganja a day which is ur very generous "henry the 8th" or "20 bag" for about 4 or 5 years. I was continously stoned for 3 of those years.The stuff was like heroin to me, i would wake up worrying about when i was goin to get more stuff even if i knew where i could get it from and had the money. I was extremley psychologically addicted!

While smoking I have gained 11 GCSE's all A-C, 5 A levels and now i am studying a degree in Criminology going into my 3rd year! i also have many non-academic achievements so its not like im your stereotypical stoner! I feel like im not the person i was, and have started to freak out about things to do with my family. for example i find myself crying and unable to deal with things like my mum turning sixty, when im just 21 as i feel like everything is just wizzing past me . It kills me that i have not got another ten years with her and really breaks my heart. I seem to have such a negative and depressive attitude towards everything! please help me! what the **** is wrong with me. will this go away or am i going to be like this forever?

I know i may be being unpatient to allow my body to d-tox! but this is something i really need somone to talk to me about just so i know im not going nuts!




  1. Its called reality. When you have been using any substance for that long your body and mind adjust in a sense and now that your body id detoxing your mind is as well and the realness of every day things are hard to deal with. I was the same kind of smoker, and when I wtopped it was very challenging, I felt so different for a while. But in time I actually felt better. This will take some time, weeks maybe but you willm ost likely be happy with the end result.  

  2. what you are explaining is typical withdrawal symptoms, so don't be too feaked. it takes a month for cannabis to leave your system but should only be 1 week until the withdrawals stop. you can go and see you gp if you are not feeling too good so they can prescribe you something to help. cannabis can cause mental health problems but you have not been off it long enough to experience this yet. good luck and don't give up coming off x

  3. when ever I need to stop smoking for a while I start of with night-All. Not the strong one the 2 a night. Take only one, there is something in it that helps stop the craving, after a week you should be fine. Don't take the night-All for more than a week.  

  4. Congratulations. Your bodies chemistry is returning to the way that it should be. It's just your body bouncing back. Dont poison youself again, stay clean.

    Additionally, you probably havn't coped with ANYTHING straight in ages, therefore life is going to feel harsh and crazy. Just take it easy, and see yourself as if you are recovering from an illness. Don't expect too much from yourself. But demand yourself to remain straight. You can do it.

    If the going gets tough split the day up in the half hour intervals, and just make it through the next half hour.

  5. Its probably withdrawal.

    Try talking to a councilor. From what you've described, you're not going to be able to get through this by yourself.

    And yes, you could also develop depression. So you probably really need help.

    Hope you're ok!

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