
Im really nervous about the transition to college Volleyball?

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So ive played club for about 6 or 7 years and Ive been on my highschool Varsity team for 4 years. I practice 5 days a week for 3 and a half hours for my club team and I find it very hard to manage my time (between volleyball and AP clases, homework and family etc.) as it is in Highschool. Im afraid that when i go to college I will have even less time than I do now (which is okay cuz i love vball) but Im afraid that the transition will be hard. For thoes of you that play or have played college volleyball was it a hard adjustment or...?




  1. it really depends how hard (academics-wise) your college is.

  2. It is hard to say. I just finished my first year of playing university volleyball and I loved it. I was in the same boat as you are with playing a lot in high school and loving it. And yes i was worried about making the transition, partly because it was a new coach, team, and place. But my coach and new team were fantastic this year and usually at this level you bond very quickly.

    In regards to school and balancing other activities, it wasn't that difficult for me. If highschool was the same for you as it was for me, I had 4/5 classes a day with homework in almost all of them and then had all the practices/games. In university it becomes a bit easier because i never had more then 3 classes a day, our coach scheduled practices around all our work and class schedules. Also with less classes during the day i had more time to finish homework and assignments so i was not as busy as high school all the time...if you get the assingments and stuff done without procrastinating then it is a whole lot easier.

    The transition from the volleyball in high school to university was great. You do a lot more travelling and the season is way longer...all in all it is a blast. And usually university level coaches are understanding and want to help you out. So if you worry about these things it is best to ask your univeristy coach next year or even ask a captain or someone who has been playing on that team for a few years for advice.

    Good luck with next year (what university are you planning on playing for?) and if you have any other concerns/questions just let me know.

  3. If you are not confident in your abilities why would any college believe in you? It will be a challenge, but most good programs have well planned practices, workouts, and school schedules.  The biggest challenge will be managing your time and learning how to get enough sleep, and eating healthy everyday. You must believe in your abilities to succeed and that you WILL EARN every second of playing time in college. The biggest adjustment will be in the speed of the game and how great the other athletes are you play against.

    Do you accept the challenge is the question?

  4. Since you play high school AND club, I do not think you will have a problem with the change to college volleyball unless you play for very low level club and high school teams and you are moving to a high level college team.  Or the other way around.  (I am coaching a player on a women's team.  She played for a very competitive high school program and club program.  Her college team is not very strong.  And she is not a big fan of her coach.  She is transferring.)  

    My main problem in the high school to college transition was not the sports or the academics.  It was the sudden change in my life.  My parents controlled my life.  I went out of state to college.  I decided on what I was going to eat and when I was going to bed for the first time in my life.  I did not make a lot of good choices early in my college career.  Studying was FAR down the list of things to do in college, when it was the first thing in my life in high school.

    Good luck.

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