
Im really really you think i am pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i had a miscarriage on 1st aug. bled for a wk exactly. had to do a hpt on 23rd of aug (which was neg) as advised to check hormone levels had gone back down. since then my b***s have been throbbing, and nipples have been darker in the evening. i also had a lot of a white creamy discharge yesterday. i did a test wed, which was neg, did 2nd one thurs am, which was very faint positive. did another one fri evening which again was a very faint pos. i am driving myself potty with this. i really want another baby and dont know when id be due a period to wait til then to test. the epu told us we could try again immediately as i was only 5wks at loss. i dont want to keep testing day in day out but cant see i will be able to wait a week to do another test. i guess i dont want to lose another one and not know it was there again if that makes sense.




  1. If you had a negative on a test before, and took the same brand tests after and they are positive then you might have a new pregnancy. Keep testing a few times a day or so apart and check if the result line is getting darker. I got pregnant a couple of weeks after a miscarriage and I got negative tests and then started on VERY faint positives that kept progressing. You won't necessarily miscarry again, I am 24 weeks now.

  2. If you had a definite negative and now you are having a positive, then chances are that you are pregnant.

    However, seeing as it's so soon after a miscarriage, it's not as clear cut as if you hadn't.

    I am still getting faint positives nearly 5 weeks after a miscarriage but I don't think I am pregnant because I am spotting quite a lot now, although it's not really a proper period.

    I would have thought that the 2nd positive test would have been noticably darker seeing as hcg levels double every 48 hours. I know it's frustrating to keep testing, but really it's all you can do apart from going and seeing your doctor to get blood tests to see if your levels are rising or not.

  3. the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test at the docs, and then get booked in for a scan! good luck x

  4. just w8 a few weeks then take another test

  5. well, i think either you are pregnant again, but i dont think you would get pregnant STRAIGHT after a miscarriage or you just bled but the baby is a survivor and you didnt miscarry. hpe everything works out for you!! :D x*x ♥♥♥

  6. it sounds like you are pregnant Hun and i hope it all goes OK.

    i know the EPU would not of told you to try again straight away but your pregnant and i hope it all goes well for you

    Just be aware Hun if you are pregnant you have a higher risk of loosing the baby again,my friend runs the Southampton Early pregnancy unit and believe me they never advice you to get pregnant straight away after miscarriage they say wait 3 cycles

  7. its sounds like you are pregnant again... but better to go to your doctor after 1 week, so that you can be sure of it.

  8. go back and see the doctor to check your HCG levels again

    if you got a neg then a pos its more than likely u r pregnant again but....

    this happened to me, i miscarried 29th april at 9 weeks, i tested neg 2 weeks later, expected my period 2 weeks after that,  didnt come on, took another test which was faint positive, i took 27tests in the next 5 weeks which were all still faint positives, i got blood tests and my HCG was at 25, then slowly went down to 18, then to 16 and so on....

    so please go and get your levels checked

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