
Im really scared, please help me =[

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When I was younger in elementary school everything was so easy. Friends were cool, school work was easy, etc.

Now it feels like everything is 10billion times harder to handle.

My friends are cutting themselves [[eventually i got them to stop]]

Smoking weed

Not eating [[becoming anorexic]]

I dont know how to handle it all!! It's so hardd.

I mean I'd never do any of that stuff but it's so hard to keep it away from my friends..

I'm going into highschool after this year and I'm pretty sure it's not gonna get easier.

How can I cope? I'm kinda scaredd =[




  1. there is nothing that you can really do. you can though:

    talk to your parents

    talk to your friends

    talk to your friends parents

    or just get new friends that do not do anything bad.

    I had friends in high school that did not cut themselves or drink or do drugs.

  2. I am in junior high (year seven) and on camp I stopped a girl from committing suicide. I found out the problem (She felt like she was a burden, her father left when he found out her mother was pregnant) and we got her back to her normal self. So perhaps you could ask your friends why they do these things to themselves, and be like their counselor :)

  3. thier experimenting.

    my friends do the same thing.

    my friend cheated on her and was xhain smoking and finngering a girl

    this worlds sick

    i was only in 6th grade

    in 3rd this girl cut herself and she was my friend

    my friends- 2 of them posted nude in 6th grade two its hard but you cant change people.

    somtimes you have to let go before you can hang on=[

  4. Make a friend online through a buddy thing and cope to them

    Talk to your mom

    See a shrink

    Write a journal

    life's hard but you have to pull through good luck

  5. keep telling yourself that thats not the way your gonna go..

    find a friend who doesnt do any of that either.

    keep a good head on your shoulders =]


  7. You as a person keep believing in the truth be a leader not a follower respect yourself and others will respect you

  8. I once saw something that said "Things have to get worse before they get better." And that is so true. There is just so much more that will happen as life goes on, and you have to learn from it. That's life. Life is not fair, and lots of the time it's going to suck. High School probably won't be easier, but you'll come out a stronger person. You already know that all these things are poor actions, so you are already a very smart person. If it is stressing you out, talk to parents or a counselor. (in school, or out of school. Sometimes school counselors are kind of weird.) You could always try and make some new friends, but people are going to make mistakes, and they are going to have to learn from them. Otherwise, people will never grow as people. I'd hate to ruin your day or anything, but things can be a lot worse, and they will get worse, but so is life. Everyone wishes we could go back to elementary school, but reality is that we can't. Don't worry though, because after it's all over, you'll be a better person. We go through everything for a reason.

    hehe, our avatars are like... twins!

  9. High school is hard! I recommend finding new friends who aren't into things that harm themselves. Believe it or not, there are still good people out there. As far as coping, get involved with a youth group at church. A pastor would be able to help you in a magnitude of ways. Or if your parents have the money, go to a Christian school. I went to a Christian school during high school and it was so much easier. Way less drama and problems. Also, I'd talk to your parents about this. They'll be able to help you with this, more than likely they have gone through the same thing when they were younger.

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