
Im really scared,can you help?

by  |  earlier

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ok well i have to get shots tomorrow,health shots everyone gets them but im scared how can i try to not feel the pain or calm don




  1. I listen to my IPOD and close my eyes once they have me where they need me.  I don't have any interest in knowing when the needle is going to prick me.  

    I've found that since I started using the IPOD it's gotten even easier to get shots.

  2. i feel for you my oldest daughter is the same

    talk to the shooter and explain that you are not fond of the pricks and hopefully she will take it easy and fast on you

    my daughter now pops a little cotton wool under her neck hair line and yes i am serious but it takes the pain away thanks to her great nanny

  3. Don't worry just look away! It is over in a couple seconds. Tell the nurse ahead of time. Do not tense up this causes your muscles to tighten and will cause more pain. Try to take deep breaths and exhaul as the shot is being given.

    Good luck, you'll be fine!

  4. just desensitize that area with a few shots and brewskies like me. it always gets me polluted and suddenly i am tenfoot tall and bullet proof.  

  5. i hate shots too.  the best advice i have is to talk to the nurse or whoever is giving you the shot.  if they are good, you can get caught up in the convo and not realize the shot took place.  Maybe you could take someone with you. good luck, i kno your pain and fear!

  6. Just close your eyes, and try not to think about it.

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