
Im really scared! Someone help me with this!?

by Guest64391  |  earlier

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Im 13 years old (going on 14 in 2 weeks) and i started puberty around age 10. Over the past year or so ive suffered through Gynecomastia. Its really embarassing and i hate changing in the locker room or swimming without a shirt. I hate this and i wanna know if theres anything i can do or get from a doctor to get this to go away really fast. Please help everyone! This is really embarassing and bothersome! And ive also heard of sometimes it doesnt go away and im hoping that really that doesnt happen!




  1. u will grow out of it

  2. There is medication for it..go to your doctor, and dont be embarressed about it because they deal with this stuff everyday. The chances are it will go away. I know the may seem a bit random but any facial products that contain tea tree oil (totaril) can cause gynecomastia in men. If you use it you should stop. The gynecomastia will go away after about a month if so

  3. Gynecomastia in babies and teens normally does not require treatment and will usually resolve on its own. If caused by medicine or disease, stopping the medicine or treating the disease will often cure the gynecomastia. If caused by a lack of testosterone and increase in estrogen, hormonal treatment may be prescribed

  4. just eat better and do more cardiovascular activity

    it's not from masturbation.

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