
Im really scared about BRACES!!!

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i might be getting braces and i know alot of people have had them so if you could give any advice to help me out i would really appericate it!!! thanks




  1. Don't be!! Getting your braces doesn't hurt at all. A couple hours after you get them on they hurt for a few days, but you justhave to eat softer foods! The end result is definitly worth everything that go through with braces =)

  2. Dont worry!! I had braces for 8 months when originally they told me i would have them for two years! The worst part is getting them tightened but its just because your teeth are sore and you cant eat much. But when i first got mine on, as soon as i got home i ate a bowl of corn pops lol.  When they put them on it doesnt hurt, the worst part is that it takes a while for them to put them on! But it will all be worth it in the end when you have very straight teeth! When you get them off make sure you wear your retainer because otherwise you will have to get braces again!

  3. Well I just got my braces on last December, they're okay I guess. I mean I don't really like having them because I don't like how they look, and sometimes they hurt if the wires get messed up and poke you. Other than that they're fine I guess. However, be careful with brackets, they get loose sometimes and then you have to get them sealed on all over again. That happens to me a lot. Such a pain. Oh, and in case you're wondering they don't hurt when you first get them put in.  

  4. They are the bomb

    They do not hurt when you are getting them in but will after an hour or so. It passes. It is worth it and the Kiss

  5. Don't be at all.  They hurt for a week or so, but thats all.  It doesn't hurt to get them on or off!

  6. I was very very scared too I got them two days ago but they dont hurt AT ALL like everyone says they do your teeth are just a little sensitive for the first two days but today is my 3rd day and I dont even feel them at all. If they hurt the first day what I did was eat Jello a lot =)

  7. Ok heres the deal..braces are different for everyone. You really cant take tell how its going to be until YOU get them. I have had mine on for 4 months now. Just yesterday I went back to get new wires in. this time the wires go all the way to the back teeth and I am totaly constant discomfort. But thats because My back teeth were turned in more and they have pressure pulling on them. Now When I first got my braces, people told me the same thing that you are hearing...they will only hurt the first few days.. well that was for THEM. I hurt for the first 2months. It started easing up in the second month. But he did tell me that my teeth moved faster than he had expected.

    You just cant go by how they are going to effect you until you get them on. The soft foods I ate were bananas, diced peaches, mashed potatoes etc.

    Hope things go well.  

  8. dont worry=] you will only be sore one or two days....  and trust me...when u pick ur fave colors...ull love tehm!

    i should rents are dentists=]

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