
Im really scared im pregnant, do you think i am?

by  |  earlier

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heres my story. i was having s*x with my boyfriend with a condom, and once it broke before he cummed, and once a drop might've got up there. he never fully did it inside me but little stuff like that happened. my period is really irregular, i usually get it every like 35-45 days. this month all of a sudden i started a sport for the first time in a while, and ive been stressing out about being pregnant like every day. i havent gotten my period in 50 days, and i have none of the usual signs of period that come like a week before i get it. for a coupel days i had a lot of discharge, now its stopped. and im really unusually gasy? like reeeally gasy. i keep thinking its period cramps but it never is. im stressing out so much and that might be why im not getting it? because i honestly dont think that that would make me pregnant?? also, ive taken two pregnancy tests and they've both said negative. its been a week and 3 days since we last had s*x and ive been late for about 10 days or so




  1. EWWW  reallly gasy  congradulations your pregnet

  2. ok first of all why are you out having s*x?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    if you dont want to et pregnant dont do it.

    and just because you used a comdom does not mean you are not going to get pregnant. those work but not all the time.  

  3. go see a doctor and since its only been a week since you had s*x you wouldnt be pregnant yet cause it takes 2 to 3 weeks for sperm to meet egg and then implant itself in your uterus......chances are your late cause you are stressing

  4. I guess its possilble... you need to see a doc, there may be something else going on there.  Good luck.

  5. if u have s*x ur hymen will break, unless he's this long___! stress will cause u to have pregnancy symptoms. if u still need to know p.d.q. then go and have blood work done. that will tell u b4 ne thing. good luck!!

  6. it could be late due to stress but go see a doctor

  7. Yes, stress is something that could cause your period to be late. But a broken condom could certainly make you pregnant, even if he didn't *** yet; precum has the most active sperm anyway.

    Take another test in a few days and see. If it's negative but you still don't get your period after like a week, you should go see a doctor.

    EDIT: Your hymen would have been broken the first time you ever had s*x.

  8. If it's only been 10 days since you had s*x (1 week, 3 days) then it's too early to tell if you are pregnant or not. You need to wait a few more days.

    But it sounds to me like it's just stress. Calm down, there is nothing you can do about it for a few more days.

  9. It sounds like you just cud be pregnant, i'd wait a week or so and try another test or see if you've started, or you could just be stressed about being pregnant and stress can cause you to be late.

  10. have you considered seeing an ob gyn about it?? It also depends sometimes some of the pregnancy tests that they are selling these days dont work as well...first response is probably the best out there and most accurate...but still i had a friend who had six tests and they all came out neg. except for one (the last one) and she was very irregular just like you  

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