
Im really scared?

by  |  earlier

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ok im orety young and im scared of what might happen to me,my family and other people if barack obama becomes president. i read online that his cusin burned people alive in a church and that obama his banning all guns in us. please help me im really young and probobly shouldent know this.




  1. Im really scared of Obama too, but not from what you said.

    Im scared he will destroy the United States and will buddy-buddy up with the terrorists and Iranians.

  2. u need to read from real sources because that is untrue !

  3. If you're really young you shouldn't be here either.

    You sound like a "TROLL".

    But just in case......let the grown-ups worry about Obama.....because by the time you're ready to vote he'll be part of our history.

  4. Riiight. Weirdo.

  5. Stick to getting your news from REAL sources:  CNN, NBC etc. and quick reading forums from uneducated people out to bash ALL polticians.

  6. You're scaring me.

  7. i'm scared also, but not for your stupid reasons

  8. That's one thing you should not worry about.

    Just get on with your life and have fun.

    Hey sweetie guns are banned in Australia it hasn't hurt us in any as now its the knives we have to be careful of

  9. LMAO. Two words, kid..."urban myth"

    ...What the h**l, make it four..."spell check".

  10. u dont need to worry at all.....obama isnt going to hurt any........least of all kids.........he sounds like a good guy to me......u got to read from all the sources to know the really obama....he is a good guy......really......



  11. Unfortunately in politics a lot of people say some very mean and horrible things about the politicians they don't vote for themselves to deliberately scare people. They try to make them too scared to vote for that person. They will say things that are half true and twist their importance to frighten people.

    You don't have to be scared about your own safety whether McCain or Obama is elected. Some people on Obama's side will say mean and horrible things about McCain and some people on McCain's side will say mean and horrible things about Obama.  Some people on Obama's side say horrible things about  McCain saying he is a traitor because of what happened in Vietnam when he was a prisoner of war.

    But if you take notice of what McCain and Obama and their official campaign groups say they don't say these same sort of horrible things about each other.

    Did you know Obama is actually related to d**k Cheney the present Vice President under President Bush.  Does that make him like d**k Cheney?  No.  They have totally different views on just about everything. If you had a cousin who did something bad would that make you bad and should people be scared of you for that?

    Now it is true that Obama is related to Odinga a leader in Kenya whose followers have done some very evil things including burning down a church in Kenya. Apparently Odinga is a cousin through his father.

    Now Kenya is a country in Africa a long way from America so what happened there needn't scare you. Just because Obama is related to Odinga doesn't mean he is any more like him than he is tlike d**k Cheney to whom he is also related. Do you think the Democrats would be so silly and stupid as to let a man be there candidate for president if there was any danger he would do things to hurt the people of America and make your life unsafe.

    And about the guns. Obama can't ban all guns in the US, it is against the constitution. No president can do this.

    I don't even live in the USA so I won't be voting for either Obama or McCain but I have a daughter and four little grandchildren who do live in America. If there was anything to be scared about I would be scared for my darling little grand children who live in North Carolina in America. My wife was born an American too.

    I like some things that McCain wants to do and Obama has some good things he wants to do. There are some things McCain wants to do I don't like and some things Obama wants to do I don't like.  I think McCain is a good man and Obama is not a bad man.  I don't like they way the Democrats support a*********ion.

    Don't be afraid. No matter who becomes president you will still be safe.

    At 13 you probably wouldn't notice the difference no matter who was president. Your parents would notice a difference but it would really only be about things like how much tax they would pay, how soon things change with the soldiers way over in Iraq (nowhere near you), what it would cost if people were sick and needed health care and if people in America would get a little richer or poorer because of what McCain or Obama do.

  12. Don't be scared. Obama loves you and knows whats best for you. He wants to take your gun away so you don't hurt yourself. And he promises he won't burn anyone that converts to Islam. He is a good guy.
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