
Im really unsure, shave or dont??

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ok so i have never had a brazillian or wax 'down there' im not sure if i should or not, i feel comfortable the way i am, but most of my friends do it and i want to know what guys think as well, like which feels better in s*x??




  1. If you feel comfortable don't change. You don't have to do it just because your friends do it as for guys I don't think they would care and if they do they aren't worth it. It's your own personal decision don't let anyone try and tell you what to do.

  2. If you are comfortable with the way you are, don't change just because your friends shave. When you find someone who you really care about, and he feels the same way, he won't care whether you shave or not.

    It doesn't effect the way s*x feels, However some guys made be put off giving oral s*x.

  3. shave

  4. shave it.. it is besy..

  5. during s*x it doesnt matter..

    well, just trim it ! leave a gentle line out there..

    if i must say between bush and total shaved, i say shaved

  6. At my age, I am completely bald down there without even shaving, but if I were younger, I would have used a hair removal cream instead of a wax or a shave...

    The simply wash off in the shower and with it all the pubic hairs wash away like magic.

    I have watched my grand daughter of 20 do this, actually she showed me how it works, and I was fascinated....

    Its like magic.....

  7. ACTUALLY, s*x does feel better (for me) with out it. If you like it there then just have a run way. :) I personally like it all gone because I feel cleaner.  

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