
Im right handed how do i make my left hand better?

by  |  earlier

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i can dribble with it just not pass ok. im a no look passer and i need both hands to be effective. help




  1. uh, use it?

    thats the only way...

    sit down at a desk w/ a bunch of paper and work on writing your alphabet over and over again with your left hand.

    also try reversing hand roles, pay attention to what your doing with your right hand (like opening a door or folding a letter or something) and try to do the same thing with your left hand.

    Eventually you'll get it!

    Its just like anything else, it won't get better without practice

  2. I am not an expert at improvement drills so I looked up the net and this is what I found:

    Developing your "off" hand

    It is important to work right from the start at developing both hand equally well. When practicing your ball handling, make sure that you practice at least as much with your weak hand as you do your strong hand, eventually increasing to twice as much with your weak hand.

    Confidence is the Most Important Factor in Shooting

    Believe in yourself. You want to have confidence in your ability to make the shot every time you shoot. Confident shooters control their thoughts, feelings, and shooting skill. Shooting is much more than good mechanics. It's the feeling, thoughts and belief in your self that comes first. Basketball is a mental, as well as a physical, game. Developing the mental aspect is a key to enhancing shooting as well as performance in all fundamentals.

    Hope this helps.

  3. use your left hand more. Iam right handed also but i've practiced hard with my left so i now can even make layups and shoot short jumpers with my left hand. I can even make the occasional left-handed 3s now. Keep practicing and focus on your left hand more. Do everything 2 times more than your right hand.


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