
Im rly hurt from football and i wanna quit...?

by  |  earlier

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lol h**l no im jk i just needed to get ur attention alright so rightr now my righr calf hurts a lot my right shoulder hurts my left index finger hurts and my neck and my left knee how can i heal up all this before next week because my first preseason game next week?




  1. Ice up then take a hot bath and just sit. Also get some sleep.  

  2. RICER

    Rest the exercise

    Ice...the first 72 hours/15 minutes - every other hour.

    Compressions...keep pressure on the injury site with the ice.

    Elevation...keep the injury elevated over your heart

    Refer...see your doc.

    It's hard to tell what ails you from this little bit without being there to see it. It could be something simple like sore muscles (calf) or something difficult like a compression injury (neck and shoulder).

    Knees are always tricky...if you don't see a doc then you play the "wait and see" game.

    If your fingers isn't swollen, you're fine.

    If you are black/blue/purple/green around the joint, sounds like a popped capsule. Painful but it will heal.

    I'm NOT a doctor...

    sometimes you play with pain...

    It's possible that you'll feel fine by next week.

    If not, I'd say see a doc.

    Good luck

  3. ask your school's trainer what to do. they're certified and they'll know better what to do than any of us on yahoo.

  4. Take an ice bath, remember not to stay in for to long or you risk hypothermia. I suggest spending about 10 minutes or so in the ice bath, then get out. Do that everyday between now and next weekend and you should be golden for game time.

    Oh and congrats on the start of the season! Keep me posted on how you guys do.

  5. If you hurt it recently, try icing it for a time, then jump to heat.

    All I gotta say man, is welcome to football. Can you imagine the kind of pain the guys in the NCAA or NFL deal with? :p

  6. ice it

    i broke 4 of my fingers in a game and i told the trainer to pull them then taped them up and on the next play i was in i played with a fractured ankle before  

  7. take steroids.  makes ya heal quicker.

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