
Im running a 2 mile timed run.. help!?

by  |  earlier

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well really 2 miles isnt that far.

but i have to do it in 16 min!!

and for me thats pretty hard.

im 13 and im athletic..

but is there anyway i can prepare for it to make it easier??!!!

thankss =]]




  1. 16 min...  Your talking 8 min per mile.  I did not start running till I was 14 and my first run was two miles.  High school cross country freshman year..  My advice to you is, at 13 yrs old enjoy the run dont kill yourself at that age to make a time.  Some people make it look easy.  Me not knowing what kind of training if any you have been doing and what you currently run the 2 mile in?>?  Im going to recommend to try your best and if you dont make it dont beat yourself up about it.  There is always going to be someone faster so the idea is to train hard and train smart so you could be that guy...  Have FUN!!  Running is for life and beleave me two miles is just the beginning...

  2. When is the run scheduled?

    How many miles a week do you run?

    How long have you been running?

    Lacking those critical factors, I can only give you this generic weekly training plan:

    Day 1 - 3 miles

    Day 2 - 1 mile

    Day 3 - 10x100s at the track .  Run the straights hard fast controlled relaxed.  Then rest, relax, jog, walk the turns.  Half-mile warmup and cooldown.

    Day 4 - 1 mile

    Day 5 -  2 miles

    Day 6 - 10x100s at the track .  Run the straights hard fast controlled relaxed.  Then rest, relax, jog, walk the turns.  Half-mile warmup and cooldown.

    Day 7 - rest

    Memorize your splits.  If this will be on a track you have to run 2-minute laps.  If it's out and back you have to run 8 minutes at the turn-around.  

    Good Luck

  3. thats easy, im the same ages and i did 2.7 in 15 min, all i can tell ya is to keep on going. oh and practise 10 min runs or jogs

  4. listen to music while you run if you get into the music you will forget about the run and it will be like nothing also train alot and run lots then you will be able to run it no problem

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