
Im scared Im going to become "one of those couples"???

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well i know i dont have anything to worry about now sinc eim only 15 in a few days, but i do have a boyfriend and we've been going out for 11 months (longest relationship i've ever been in) and i am starting to fall in love with him but kinda scared cuz we are like soulmates.

but say for example, we were going to get married and have kids. i know that most people get divorcded cuz when couples get married, they lose romance, their wild freedom lol, and all they talk about is their kids dentist appointments, college tution, and then you lose "the s*x" then im afraid my husband will cheat on me. i know alot of couples like this. any advice?




  1. Statistics prove that the best factor for predicting divorce is age.  Younger couples are MUCH more likely to get divorced because they do not have the maturity level needed to sustain a marriage.

    Don't even say the "m" word until you get out of college or are earning $45K/year, whichever comes first!

  2. Get married? Are you ****ing kidding me?

  3. just be carfull dont get stuck in that kind of thing look around have fun now think about that later on ur to young ! you should have fun but in a(( safe way)) lol if u kno what i mean! :)

    ut yeah relax u have long time till that day comes just make sure u kno the guy well..:)

    and i am 16 so yeah i kno  how u feel!!!

  4. your still way to young to think about marriage. you have lots of guys to date ahead of u. however, for now ur in a serious relationship and it's ok to think about the future but stop worrying about being "one of those couples" cuz it's a myth. No couple automatically ends up like that when they get married. it's the couples that let the whole marriage and kids thing scare them that do.

  5. I married my soul mate.

    We've been married for 10 years, and we're still going strong.

    Me and my husband made a vow to tell each other how much we loved them every day for the rest of our lives. He buys me six red roses every week, and i do little things like cook him special meals etc.

    Falling in love is confusing and my 13 year old daughter gets very confused with it all, she is always asking how i knew that her dad was "the one", and i dont have a "proper" answer. It just clicked, i knew it inside me if that makes sense

    Im not going to say you're too young because i was 13 when i fell for my husband, and i ahve never ever regretted it. My mum told me that i shouldnt tie myself to just one guy for the rest of my life, but i know that if i hadnt of done that, i would not have had the wondeful life i lead now.

    I have been married ten years, im a mum to three beautiful children, and i have twins on the way, me and my husband have well-paid jobs, Life couldnt be better.

    Its all based on how you feel, sweetie. Dont throw the relationship away because you're scared he'll cheat, life is all about taking risks learning to trust, and in turn love.

    It's not easy and yes i used to be terrifed that my husband would fall in love with another woman and leave me a single mum, missing him so terribly.But i know when he looks at me that he loves me, and yeah that may seem soppy but ive known him for almst 20 years, we're meant for each other.

    And the romance only dies if the couple get comfotable and stop making the effort, hence the roses and meals. And "the s*x" as you put it, it becomes a routine yes, but its all about making it special.

    Dont fell pressured into anything sweetie, and remember you are only 15 you have your whole life in front of you. I dont want to lecture, because you're young and want advice and support, so i'll just say one last thing.

    Do it for yourself, Whatever you want to do, do it for you, it's your life and you live it how you want to.

    Good Luck, you sound like a sensible girl and i hope everything works out for you

    Porsha xx

  6. You're 15 and too young to be stressing about this.  Enjoy the dating and quit worrying:)

  7. Quit worrying, you're too young.

    And don't get married young, you should have a good relationship before you get married.

    And you don't have to lose romance, my great grandparents have been married for 60 years and they are still as much in love as the day they got married.

    It takes work, and it takes two, but it can work.

  8. Hold up, you got married and your husband cheated on you all in one sentence and you're only 15?

    Wow .. sorry kidd.


    You're 15, enjoy it.

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