
Im scared about going to Mexico now. Need some feedback?

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I am going with my familt to the mayan riviera this july, i am younge and i have heard from some of my freinds that have went to mexico that when u are there ther is alot of people who are dangerous to tourists and will do stuff to them and that you shouldnt ever leave your resort and that there are even people like that in your resort! after hearing this i got frightened and thinking that there would be people there that are dangerous and stuff and then after thinking about it even more i got paranoid and started thinking about that there are kidnapping murders at the resort and outside of it at the beach aswell..... not this may or may not be true but i just need some reasurring feedback from people who have went just so i know when i go there becuase i have never went...

Thanks Alot




  1. Well, if I were less than 13 years old, I wouldn't be walking around in strage places all alone in the US. Kidnappers don't kidnap American tourists, they kidnap rich children of mexican businessmen. If an American tourist would ever get kidnapped while in Mexico, the US government would force the mexican government to capture the criminals. A almost sure 60 year jail sentence is just not worth kidnapping you.

    However, you could still get lost if you're young and don't know the place. Stick with your parents, tell them in which part of the hotel you will be and when you feel like walking around the town, ask them to go with you. You will have a lot more fun touring the town together anyways. I doubt you can speak spanish, so travelling alone at your age would probably be very scary even if Cozumel is safe.

  2. I recently went on a cruise to the Grand Caymans, Cozumel, Belize, and Roatan.

    I went into the towns shopping and sight-seeing.  Cozumel, Mexico was a resort town.  I was never frightened.  All the people there were friendly.  I will admit that they love to party.

    There is safety in numbers.  In other words, don't go anywhere alone.  Be alert, but not afraid.  Your family wouldn't be taking you if your life would be in danger.  Trust them and enjoy your vacation.

  3. LOL!!!

  4. Many people told you this: the real risks are NOT for tourists, but for succesful (rich) mexican bussinesman. Cancún, and whole riviera maya is one of the most safe places in México.

  5. i havent been but i do have some good advice,i have travelled alone to some dangerous american places(detroit dayton chicago st louis cleveland,and i mean the bad parts of town too)

    you shouldnt be afraid and showing or displaying your fear is worse than being afraid in the first place,be weary of course,but dont be on high alert,just keep cool,and dont stand out as being afraid,it always works,mexico gets a pretty bad rap but the people are quite polite and most of them are nothing to worry about.

  6. Tourism is one of Mexico's biggest sources of income and they protect it well. As someone pointed out it is not the tourists who get kidnapped and robbed, its the rich and famous in Mexico.

    In the resort areas, especially the "premium" areas like "Riviera Maya" the "tourist police" are everywhere and very effective. You will probably be safer in places like Cozumel, Playa del Carmen and Cancun than you would be in your own town!

    Of course it is better to travel in groups, that is true anywhere in the world. The "wolves" are always looking for the "lone sheep." (But that goes for traveling in Mexico as well as for sexual predators in your own high school.......)

    I wouldn't worry, I live here and over 14 years have taken family vacations with my wife and son (and sometimes in-laws) in such places as Cancun; Cozumel; Veracruz; Tecolutla; Cuernavaca; Patzcuaro; Tuxpan; Guanajuato; Mazatlan; Puerta Vallarta; Ixtapa-Zihuatenejo; and a dozen times in Acapulco, (probably the most "dangerous" vacation place in Mexico.) The number of times we have been robbed, attacked, kidnapped, pickpocketed, swindled, conned or even harrassed? ZERO!

    Use your common sence and HAVE FUN!

  7. uh....... ok, ur friends r dumb & if its true then just stay close to ur parents

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