
Im scared? =[ bad anxiety......?

by  |  earlier

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2 times today for a period of time it felt like i couldnt stop yawning and im scared does that mean anything? lung cancer?

if i get any weird feelings in my body i always freak out...just so you know.....I have bad OCD and always worry about sicknesses and diseases and dying......and very bad anxiety..=[ i have hypocondria too which means i think im sick when im not..can anyone help me? it would be nice to talk to if anyone wants to my aim is Shellooshkov..

God Bless




  1. Yawning is not related to lung cancer.  It can be caused by stress and low oxygen in your blood, among other things.  You could be anemic    (common in young menstruating women).  Do you feel more tired than usual?  Are you getting enough sleep?

    Are you on any medication for your OCD?  

    Touch base with your doctor, and mention everything you have told us.  That's the best place to start.

    Also, consider seeing a counsellor about your OCD and hypochondriasis.  A counsellor can help you develop some healthy coping strategies.  

    There are some very good cognitive behavioural therapy workbooks available to work through too.  Your therapist can recommend some, or check  Mind Over Matter is a good one.  I'll give you a link.

    Try to get outside every day and get some fresh air and exercise.

    You will get better.  Best wishes.

  2. Yawning is something we do to keep our brains alert. This is a normal bodily function. If you have an OCD then you need to see if you haven't already a doctor, they might be able to give you some behavioural therapy. Good luck with it.

  3. yawning is what we do when your brian is tired. when you're groggy, or sleepy, you yawn. or when your brain doesn't get enough oxygen, like after running, you yawn. i don't of any diseases, though.  

  4. Yawning isn't really a bad thing, although no one really knows why we actually yawn. This website shows the possible theories of why we yawn, and none of them involve any sort of diseases or anything. I've never heard of anyone getting anything from yawning and I'm positive you won't get lung cancer.

  5. I would talk to.

    But I don't think yawning a lot means you have lung cancer.

    I hope you feel better.

  6. Big question have u seen a DR. about this?

    There drugs that can take the edge of!

    I yawn alot and don't think anything about it -big part is lack of sleep, and being bore!

    I wish u well and if u like to e-mail me for chat I'm here!

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