
Im scared? eye troubles?

by  |  earlier

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so recently, randomly, not that often, id see faint dots for like 3 seconds. itll pop out of nowhere when im looking at something.

sometimes it wont even be dots, itll be just like a quick flash. its not that often and its somewhat faint, but i used to never get these at all.

i wear contacts btw, but ive been wearing them for a year about.

and just today my right eye hurts really bad and i dont remember hitting it at all.

what can this be??




  1. The page at the source below will help you understand possible causes. But you really should see an Ophtalmologist to get a proper diagnosis. You only have two eyes. You need to preserve them.

    You don't mention your age. But while floaters and flashers can be a sign of aging eyes, they can also be sign of several eye diseases. Some of which can lead to loss of vision, or even blindness.

  2. They might be floaters. Most people get them ever so often.

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