
Im scared for my chicken?

by Guest56247  |  earlier

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I just got a new chicken. It sat on the top of my garage so we finally got it down and it ran inside. My greyhound tried to eat him but I grabbed the chicken and put her in her coop. She is now sitting in her nest. What do I do next?




  1. You have to clip her wing feathers, so she can't fly away. Get a farmer or vet to do it. Keep her in the coop so a fox can't get her. You better get another hen because she's gonna be lonely.  

  2. It might be scared and bored? You should have more than one chicken, they're social little things. My grandmother always kept 10+ of them, mostly egg-laying hens. I think that way they'd all hang out and keep each other company.

    How did it get on the roof of the garage? They can't fly, did it climb up something? Maybe see what it was climbing on.

    Maybe fence the house in and leave a gate between the house and the coop? O_o

    Maybe try a different section of Answers, too.

  3. I'm not sure this shud be in the vegetarian/vegan section, sounds more a animal husbandry type question. Really would depend on what you keep the chicken and the greyhound for though - more information needed in any case.

  4. just keep an eye out for the dog make sure it doesnt hurt the her :] give her food and water if you didnt yet and she should be okay :D

    answer mines please?;...

  5. ... um... just keep your greyhound away from the chicken?

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