
Im scared my mom might commit sucicide? Please Help!!

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shes says she doesnt have anything. but she does. even though me and my 2 sisters dont live with her and her privlidedges to do things with us are limited, she still has a life and she should be grateful for it. she has a job, friends, a dog, a bf, clothes, just cos she doesnt have it all doesnt mean anything.. can u please help her?




  1. If your scared your mother is going to kill herself get the phone book and look for the mental health crisis hot line. Call them and tell them what she is saying and they can help.

  2. I sounds like she has severe depression..

    You should ask her to see a councilor or psychologist for your sakes.

    Alot of people get very turned off at the fact of seeing a psychologist but it really does help alot.

    I hope everything works out.

  3. maybe if you think your mom is about to commit the act of self murder, you should call 911. It is a crime, just like if she said, I think im gonna kill my next door neightbor tonight. What would you do then?

    would you stand by and let her?

    If you would  call the police and  tell them you think your mom needs help?  They will send a special unit who deals with very emotionally upset people. They may have her taken to a hospital for 3 days.

    She may get a chance to relax, talk , unwind, think.

    Its worth one try , isn't it?

    the police, have people trained to assist people who are so depressed and so despondant that they are thinking of killing them selves.

    Killing is killing .

    It is a crime.

    She needs help and you must do something.  

  4. maybe u should stay with her for awile annd watch her she took care of u now u have to take car of her now let her kno u still need her at lots of times and u love her and remind her of u two and how much u care

  5. If your mom is threatening to kill herself and you have personally heard her, you need to call the cops to get her help. The cops will bring her to a hospital and she will have a hold on her for seventy two hours. My mom tryed many times when i was a child and she almost suceeded a couple times. It stinks when its left up to the child to figure things out. But never think that she will not do it. Tell your guardian or call the cops either way its the person responsiblity  to the personthat heard what your mother said and you need to take action. Good luck and God bless. Its scary i have witness my mom and i wish that you would not experienced what i went through.

  6. Your mom needs to get into counseling. My Mom tried suicide twice and threatened it more than that and I know how traumatic it is. She is not clear in her mind and cannot see what she does have only what she doesn't and so she needs to talk to a professional counselor who can open her eyes.

  7. Your mother really needs some help. See if she would go to the doctors. Or counseling.  

  8. If you honestly believe this, get off your computer and go help her!  If you really love your mother, you talk to her!  She needs you.

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