
Im scared of (driving) help!!! ( 10 points for grabs)?

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so im 15 going on 16 of may 21st and i have my permit and am taking drivers ed starting June 9th anyways i am really scared of driving ever since my 2 family members got thrown out of the car in a car accident and died. what im scared of the most is traffic and start getting horrible panic attacks and make wrong decisions ( not thinking) what i scared of is if some person pulls out in front of me and i don't have enough time to react ect please help thanks




  1. I was feeling just like you not less than two weeks ago. I am learning that driving has a lot to do with repetition. with repetition you get better. I was always nervous and scared something was going to happen. But you have to remember that YOU are in control of the car. Never ride to closely to the back of the car in front of you. Always leave enough space to react. Always look a few cars ahead so you will have time to react. If you are not ready there is no need to rush. Spend some time in a parking lot to get use to a car. Then drive in your neighborhood. Then slowly move up. Soon you will be able to get in a car and drive without being nervous or scared. Just breathe and relax.




  3. if you pary to God for help then he will help you.

    i will pray with you.

    o lord, we pray that you will help drive the car in Jesus name aman.

    God blessed you

  4. I had an accident before, and to let you know, the people who comforted and gave me inspiration and challenge to try are my new-found friends from the internationally-minded Klang Valley.

    So, now that I've got the confidence, if I'm beside you, I'll first hug you, let you cry your heart out, then we'll start you off slowly...

  5. It's difficult when you're being tested, but do your best to relax and focus. I'm sure you'll do just fine. I'm sorry about your family members...the best thing you can do is be a safe and smart driver.

  6. This fear is pretty common among women or people who have had a traumatic car accident.

    Women usually don't like to drive during certain times and try to avoid it, or they may avoid all driving.

    This is happening due to them seeing or being in a traumatic accident where it never leaves their mind.

    Same among other men and women drivers who have thought that they too will get in an accident.

    I think you should have trust in your driving and avoid all those thoughts.

    Think about the positive parts of driving and understand your car. Understand that you are safe unless you put yourself in danger or don't avoid it if it comes near.

    Try going on regular and easy roads and think to your self as you know the road perfectly.

    Try to gain more experience if you are afraid that you don't know a lot or want to know more by practicing in certain driving classes to help.

    Try to be confident and believe that you can take the easy roads and move into main streets, then different cities, and faster roads to take off the thoughts.

    Try to get a little more into driving and enjoy it. Trust your self and I believe that you will get over it.

    It isn't a stupid thought and some of my friends have that feeling and I too try to get them over it.

    Think it through and you too can get over this fear.

  7. Kupcakes, training is how you meet challenges. Do not take counsel of your fears. You will be shown what to do and how to do it in drivers training.

    Do not let fear keep you from doing that which you need to do. You will learn how to drive, and how to act. It will take practice and self-discipline. You will become a good driver, but it will not happen in a day. Just apply yourself.

    Remember to ALWAYS wear your seat belt. Always.



  8. you just need to drive more

    you will get over it.

    at first it's a bit scary as you worry about everything.

    but you'll soon realize that you just have to have faith in yourself and not worry so much.

    drivers ed will help a lot.

    accidents happen you just need to learn to try to avoid them

    and when you see a reckless driver just give them plenty of room.

    the more practice you have the easier it gets

    I remember thinking I was going to hit head on every time  I had to pass a car on a one lane road.

    cars have anti lock brakes and air bags they are safer now then ever before.

    don't worry so much, it won't help.

  9. Relax & take a deep breath.  Don't get into any heavy traffic or drive interstates until you have built up your confidence.  Definitely practice, practice, practice, especially in the country or in small towns.  Wear your seat belt at all times while driving & learn defensive driving techniques, like keeping your distance, leaving yourself an out, using mirrors, turn signals, etc.

    If someone pulls out in front of you, step on the brake & hope for the best. Stuff happens & you can only do what you can.  Leave the rest to God (or to your higher power).  By wearing your seat belt & using defensive driving techniques, you are less likely to get into an accident & survive it if you do get in one.

  10. I was in an accident and got scared of driving for a while, too.  I recommend that you don't take the test until you get past this.  One thing that helped me was taking extra behind the wheel classes.  Also, if you are having genuine panic attacks, the kind associated with Anxiety Disorder, you may want to see your school counselor, who can refer you to someone who can help you with those.  

    It's true that sometimes, when driving, the people around you do stupid things that could cause an accident.  The best way to avoid an accident in that kind of situation is to be completely calm, so you can react well and make good decisions.  Until you get to that point, you're not ready to drive on your own.

  11. theres nothing to worry about. especially in drivers ed. i took it last summer, im 16 now. the instructor shows you everything, and has a break on his side of the car also. it comes very naturally once you get into the car. you just have to be alert! and thats why you need like 100 hours i think it is now. so you can practice and learn to be alert and consious of everything that goes on.

    good luck with drivers ed!

  12. start by simply riding in the car more often and not fearing the experence then move the vechical about 10 feet or so down the driveway to get the mail n such then move onto progressively longer trips until you are confy with the car

    you cant worry about the small stuff i drive a semi i see deer every night standing next to the highway/road i cant stop this thing and if i swerve i may hit a car or cause a huge accident at 60+ so i try to be cautious  but if one does decide to race this traine i will just keep going in a straight line and hope that it moves

    you cant worry about the small stuff like that it will drive you nuts


  13. I used to be really scared of driving, I'm 19 and I just got my license.  What you need to do is drive 5 miles below the speed limit at all times. Drive around your neighborhood over and over and over and over until you get used to it.

    As long as you're always looking, driving slowly, and keeping alert, you will always have enough time to react

  14. Close ur eyes and go 2 ur happy place

  15. That's why you go to driver's ed, to learn how to drive so you feel you're in control of the situation. Don't rush things. If you still feel scared after the driver's ed course, take another one or get a private teacher. They will teach you defensive driving which shows you how to anticipate what could happen on the road and what to do about it, and if you use what they teach you, it works. Accidents rarely just happen out of nowhere; they happen because someone wasn't paying attention, got careless or tried something stupid. Driving lessons are expensive, but accidents are more expensive. Any fool can operate a vehicle but it takes concentration to negotiate traffic safely.

  16. First you have to get over the fear of driving. I'm sorry you lost someone to a car accident. But if you don't feel comfortable about driving i would wait.  Good Luck!!

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