
Im scared of flying - But im goiong on a 11 hour flight tommorow HELP!!?

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Any reassuring words?

What im scared of is the plane falling - i HATE that tummy feeling you get when you fall,

Whats the chances of a flight crashing/falling/failing?




  1. I use to love flying but now I cannot wait to land.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water on the plane , no alcohol and every hour at least stretch your legs and walk down the plane.

    Try and sleep if you can - watch as many movies as you can ( helps the time go by ).

    Where loose comfortable clothes and shoes you can easily take on and off and if you are flying with family and friends have a laugh on the way.

    no chance of the plane falling - have a nice time

  2. this is what i do, stay up for like 24 hours before & with the stress & hassle of airport security u will be exhausted do a few shots in the airport bar & u will sleep through the entire thing =)

  3. I know how you feel i was just the same once upon a time but really flying is known to be the safest form of transport you have about the same chance as winning the lottery as you have of  something happening to your plane try and relax and enjoy it really its very very safe

  4. About 0.0000000000000000001 percent.

  5. you should try just sleeping because you can hardly feel the airplane while sleeping just try to distract yourself

  6. You are more likely to have an accident on the way to the airport than on the plane. Apparently more people are kicked to death by a donkey each year than are killed in air crashes.

    I used to be terrified of flying but I got a tape with relaxation exercises and explanations about what was happening and it really helped. I'll share a few techniques with you.

    * Don't try to block out the reality of the flight, i.e. closing your eyes on take off, that heightens the fear.

    * Move about while waiting for the flight, keep your muscles loose.

    * On the plane sit firmly in your seat, many fearful flyers try to minimise their weight as if this will lessen the stress.

    * When you hit turbulence imagine you are in a horse drawn carriage riding over the cobbled streets of London, tell yourself, no plane ever fell out of the sky because of turbulence.

    *Keep yourself occupied, talk, read, do a crossword, listen to music, watch the movie-you do not have to concentrate on what is happening it is not the power of your mind keeping the plane up.

    *Focus on your destination sounds like it's somewhere pretty good.

    Try Rescue Remedy I find that works really well without impairing your facilities.

  7. I'm 26 years old and have never flown before until 6 months ago when husband had to go for an operation on his knee in England.  I was always too scared to go on a plane but had really no choice as hospital had booked tickets and I had to go with him.  Was really nervous, but after all that worrying it was really worth it and i had a brilliant experience.   It was lovely.  Will fly anywhere now.  Don't worry you'll find (like me) you were worrying over nothing.   Hope you have a good time whereever your going to.

  8. Try to stay up late and get up early, have some wine on the flight with dinner and you should sleep ok..don't forget to walk around on the plane DVT is not a funny condition..safer than crossing the street'll be ok. I'm flying 9 hrs in about  2 weeks' time. :)

  9. do what Robyn G and Rastakhiz say and pray

  10. You could try doing Emotional Freedom Technique. It can reduce and clear all kind of issues and negative emotion quickly. This how you do the technique.

  11. It's actually proven that air travel is the safest way to travel. Don't worry. I've been in an airplane many times. It isn't scary at all. Just bring something to do or read, like a video game or a book.

  12. petrol prices gone up hope they put plenty in plane and dont cut back because that would put the odds up for coming dooooooown

  13. The chances of your aeroplane falling uncontrolled are so small that they're insiginficant. To put it in perspective - you stand hundrends of times more risk of bumping your car when you drive to the airport than having a problem with the aeroplane.

    Remember that all civil aeroplanes are desiged and tested to be able to fly on one engine (although they do go a bit slower if an engine fails during the "cruise").

    Hardly any aeroplanes ever drop from the skies. That's why it's always a big headline when it happens.

    When it's up in the clouds it won't get lost because it's always on someone's radar and they're equipped with very sophisticated navigation aids - in triplicate so that the chances of failure are even less.

    There's various pills that you can take to relieve the "losing your tummy" feel on take off. Travel sick tablets can help providing that you take one in good time according to the instructions.

    During the flight have the overhead air vent on at a low level to keep your head and face cool.  If you can sleep then that will be good. I suggest that you invest a cheap eye mask (often available at the airport). Once you're airborne you should put on the headset and listen to the in-flight "radio". The music will help you to relax.

    Have a light snack, such as toast and marmalade, before leaving home. DO NOT DRINK ANY ALCHOHOL, whatever people may advise. This is an extremely bad thing to do if you're a nervous flyer. Your reaction to the booze and nerves  may even cause the airport staff to bar you from the flight.

  14. Trust me, the chances of a plane malfunctioning during flight is about a billion to one. I've been on planes several times and every time it's a completely safe trip. The best thing to do when you're scared of flying is to sleep! Take lots of breaths when you're scared; it helps to relax. When you're preparing for landing, drink water and chew gum. Swallowing helps to keep your ears from popping. I assure you, you're flight will be completely safe! I'm going on a flight on Monday myself!

  15. dont think about it too much

    the worst u can do is keep on goin on about it

    take an ipod or something on the flight too block out noise

    and too take you mind off things

    the chances of crashing or something goin wrong are VERY unlikely.

    i know people who go on flights every week for job reasons and they have NEVER had any trouble on their filghts

    you'll be fine :)

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