
Im scared of getting shot with paintballs?

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My friends older brother lives near the woods and me and his older brother were talking and he invited me over to play paintball. Now I dont know but he might invite his friends witch are all older then me. And i dont want to look like a wuss in front of them. Should I just man up or what?




  1. Ask them to turn the volcity down so it wont be too dangerous, after that it should be too bad. Nothing to man up about, if its shooing 315 fps and hits your neck your going to go out, and might cause bleeding. so careful and ask to chrono down.

  2. Ok i have went paintballing several times. If you have a sweatshirt and jeans, you will be fine. If you have money flowing out your rear end, buy yourself a fancy paintballing jacket, then your camoed and it wont hurt so bad.

    It really doesnt hurt too bad in normal play. if these kids are really aggressive, you need to be careful that they dont lite you up, especially from behind... at point blank range. that will hurt a lot

    Just go out and have fun.

    It is very important that you dont forget to wear goggles. If you dont wear them, you will have a bloody hole in your skull where your eyesocket is.

    Now that may have scared you, but really if you arent stupid it wont happen.

    Note: try to have all the guys chrono at 300 fps or under

    It sucks to get shot when their guns are over 300

    hope that helps :)

  3. it dont hurt trust me

  4. Nobody should say it dont hurt, because if your pretty close to each other it does sting quite abit. But it dont hurt long. You should go and play and have a good time.

  5. Everyone who goes to play paintball freaks out about getting shot. Everyone will tell you its not that bad and really its not. its quick sting that last for about 6 seconds, seriously. however since you haven't played before the first one is going to be like oh c**p i just got shot and your going to realize wow that wasn't that bad. Getting shot for the first time your gonna be a little scared or freaked out about it but TRY IT. you will probably love it trust me

  6. I think you should go aslong as you trust them.

    Paintballs don't hurt that much, well, they do, but the adrenaline and the fact that its all fun will make them not hurt! You will be surprised!

    Aslong as they have all the safety gear the masks/helmets etc you should be fine :)

    hope this helped


  7. How old are you?

    I regularly play with kids that are 10-12 years old and have been playing since before they were 7.

    Its the fear of getting shot with a paintball that makes the game real, it keep you from going rambo.

    I've been playing since 2001 and am still a little bit afraid of being shot but its part of the game and will happen.  Last Saturday at a game, I became a camerman for about an hour, to get the picture, I stand in the line of fire and get shot.  Its just a quick sting.  Getting shot in the hand does not really hurt.

  8. It only stingss for about 10 seconds, you should wear loose clothing or layers so that impact doesn't sting that much

    and you should man up :)

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