
Im scared of life and paranoid

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guys I have bad anxiety and very paranoid

I am scared about everything... Im well educated but i am always scared... I am scared to fly because i think im going to die on an airplane so I dont take them anymore... im scared to be intimate because Im scared I will be infected with a disease (at 25 im still a virgin) Im scared to go on a date with a guys... when guys ask me out on a date I decline because I think theyre going to kill or harm me (soon guys decline dating me after a month due to me not showing affection and not going out with them)Im scared to stand by window because I think I will get shot scared for my family... I have a few friends because im scared people will backstab me... when I have friends for a while im kinda curious about why the people wanna be my friend in the first place and I mess the friendship up... I was in the pool yesterday and I thought I would drown... its like another voice would say in my head you will drown and I get terrified Im scared of life it seems... and im scared to make mistakes... How can I fix it? this problem

I have a 8 year old sister who is like that (shes a bit slow) but she doesnt like going outside alot.... she talks about death all the time... when we watch a movie she says is the person gonna die? one day I was driving her to school (I dont like driving alot either due to my anxiety) and she said she wanna go to a funeral and see a body? my other sisters look at her and go whats wrong with her... all she thinks about is death... but I was like that when I was younger too... I have insomnia too... not as bad as years ago but I have it

the reason for my paranoia is possibly

I dont like going out with guys because I was sexually abused as a teen

I dont like being intimate because 3 of my cousin died from HIV/Aids (they got the disease sexually)

Im afraid to fly because of accidence

insomnia due to sexual abuse also

afraid to drive due to being in finder binders




  1. learn reiki and start with it. plus yoga

  2. Basically, you are afraid to die.  I have bad anxiety too.  I found recently that it was not because I was 'crazy'.  Although, I felt that way for many years.  I had a sleep study done and found that I had apnea.  Which disturbs your sleep.  You know how when you stay up for a day and you get really tired how you will start to act paranoid?  Well, people with sleep disorders never really get a good nights sleep so they are like that all time. But, they do not realize it.  If you have insomnia then this is one of the reason for the anxiety.  I would get a sleep study first and foremost to see if you have any sleep disorders besides insomnia so you can work on getting rid of them.  Simply getting a good nights sleep can take away the anxiety.  I tried several meds paxil, effexor, lexapro, etc and nothing helped.  As soon as we figured out that I had sleep disorders and took care of the apnea, the anxiety is gone. As for the sexual abuse and what not, you need to see a therapist and talk through these issues.

  3. Sorry to hear that you were sexually abused as a teen. The could be the root of your fears. But at some point...your going to have to step out and live life. There is no way to escape don't be afraid of it. There are risk in everything we do. I was physically and mentally abused from the time I was an infant through my teens. Then because of the messed of stuff that happened...I ended up dating all the wrong men...who mental abused me. I finally reached the point where I was sick of it and said...something has to change. You are not going to be able to enjoy any of your life if you are afraid to live it. You don't have to step out into it blindly. You can take steps to reduce your risk of anything. You worry about being in a relationship...Well understand that there are bad people out there...but there are also good people. You just have to weed them out. You are afraid to fly...but statistically the chances of dying in a plane crash are really small. If you can't sleep cause your can install alarms, purchase a hand gun and learn how to use it properly, get a dog. That way you have some protection and will feel more secure. You fear of driving can be reduced by being an defensive driver...don't speed, signal early so the person knows your going to maneuver, don't tail-gate, and keep an eye out for all the other people on the road. In just about any can find ways to make yourself feel better. Sure...being intimate with another human being has risk. There are virus and bacterias out there that are passed from human to human. But you can take steps to reduce that as well. Choose to know your partner friends first. When the time comes to be intimate...have both of you get a blood test. Make sure you see their results so you know what they have in their body. I am a firm believer in getting blood work done, since many people don't know they are carrying things. a nutshell...start taking baby steps. I hated going places out to eat or out to the movies. I worried that people would talk about me and say....oh look at her, she is all alone. But you day...I went to the movies by myself. I was not totally comfortable, but when it was over and I was home, I felt pretty good because I faced a fear of mine and survived. If you feel like you need to speak to a professional then do so, but it is within you do heal your fears. You really don't need someone else to tell you what you need to do. When you get those negative thoughts...just counter them with a good one. Eventually you will have less bad thoughts and feel better about yourself. I sure hope you have soaked in what I have shared with you...and I hope that you will sit down and write what your fears are and then ways to reduce them. Seeing them on paper, sort of a check list...will give you a starting point. Just take one step at a time. Good luck to you.

  4. Try going to  a shrink

  5. Try JESUS!

  6. You need serious psychological help immediately to put all these fears into perspective.  There is nothing wrong with being scared of things, but your paranoia is out of control.  I think you know this, and that's why you are reaching out here.  You can't let your fears take over your life.  Try and tell yourself once a day, "if it's meant to be, then it will"  regarding the accidents at least.  There are some things you just can't control and giving in to your fears only makes it worse.

    Please, get yourself professional help as soon as possible, life is worth living, if you let yourself see the beauty in it.

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