
Im scared of my room?

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Me and my friend did a seance a few years ago in my bedroom and ever since ive been terrified that there is something in my room. At night i sometimes hear my name being called or harsh voices whispering, also when i shut my eyes to try and sleep things move infront of my eyes like hands in a grabbing motion, it doesnt seem like a dream because its so close and i can feel it. Once i even felt myself being pulled out of bed by hands grasping my feet. I find it really hard to get to sleep and often have to stay up til 4am so that its not too dark. What can i do?




  1. if you feel the presence in your room  is threatening, perhaps you need to call an exorcist. It can help, getting your room blessed may be a very good thing. one more thing, dont hold a freakin Seance in your room again!! dont mess with that stuff if you dont want to get scared

  2. You just need to quit being a baby.

  3. u are scaring me

  4. Its like they say... theres nothing to fear but fear itself... theres nothing to be scared of. Say that multiple amount of times... it could be that, or change rooms.

    Hope this helps =)

  5. What Ty T said sleep with a light and a TV on, no noise no darkness, problem solved.

  6. You might have summoned an evil spirit to be honest. Random things like that don't just happen. And those are definately not illusions. If someone were to have illusions of that, it would most likely be me. I am beyond paranoid but it's never happened. The harsh voices whispering, the touching you and or grabbing at you are all signs of a demonic force.

  7. This is very common in children, although I assume you are at least 13 because you have to be 13 to participate on YA.  Perhaps you just haven't ever gotten over it from childhood.  Being scared of the dark is just the fear of the unknown.  In reality, if the things you imagine are there in the dark, why would they need to wait for the dark to get you?  Wouldn't they be strong enough to get you any hour of the day?  There is nothing that can hurt you in the dark that can't do the same thing under the noon day sun.

  8. ask the boogyman to leave

  9. You're probably suffering from a lack of sleep.  I used to have a part time overnight job and would often go for long periods of time without sleep.  When I was really sleep deprived, I used to see things moving out of the corner of my eye, turn my head, and there would be nothing there or I'd hear someone say my name when there was nobody else in the room.  The place I worked wasn't haunted, my mind was just playing tricks on me because I was really tired.  Turn on a night light.  I used to have a blue lightbulb in my room to sleep when I was a kid.  Maybe put on a fan for some background noise.  Don't forget to say a great prayer, read a bible verse, or sing a hymn before you go to bed.  It might help to put your mind at ease.

  10. Turn on a light!

  11. Stock answer #4: Get a priest or rabbi to do an exorcism, smudge the room by burning sage

  12. seriously I'm scared of my room, and used to stay up real late too.  I just sleep in a different room now.  Though I'm sure we are both just being paranoid.

  13. umm... a nightlight might help, but only so much. You may be able to sleep sooner because it will not be so dark. If you honestly believe something is in your room you should face your fear, not directly, but try doing research on things like you see and hear, rather then fearing them you may find yourself intrigued and shortly after they should go away.  If you know that its nothing and just an irrational fear than it may be simpler to ask a therapist or parent for advice. Best of luck to you.

  14. whoa, i'm scared of your room too.... i'd move into another room

  15. overwhelming fear does give you illusions. i had an overwhelming fear of snake i used to think they used to be in my bed and i even screamed for help once when i felt something on my skin. but  now i had to conquer my fear and ever since i am obssesed with them. just take a deeper look and discover what you fear and read about fear

  16. I'm scared of my house too. Omg. I watch paranormal things on tv cause it fascinates me and I feel like I'm being watched... I'm so scared right now./
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