
Im scared of the dark!!?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 and im scared of the dark. it sounds lame but i get freaked out! when i was little i was always terrified and then after a while i grew out of it. and then every so often it comes and goes. but this time its worse. i dont sleep the whole night so i get really bad headaches and i always feel ill and depressed and i get out of breath quite easily. im also getting lots of spots too.i see things and hear things. and they are definatly there! i try and think about other things but i cant. i really need some help!




  1. Wrong section.

  2. First go to the Mental Health section. Then as soon as possible see a Dr. Seeing and hearing things is NOT NORMAL! You need help.

  3. thats well all you need to do is if you hear something have a little light by your bed nd everytime you hear or think you see something just turn on the light then just relax and keep a small night light on in your room and if it doesnt go away i suggest a phsyciatrist.


  4. I'm sorry its ok though get a night light or two and your varietyet teddy bear and try to sleep im taking karatee icause im scared of strong people you should to or go to the doctor you might have a serious casesorry if that offends you but its ok

  5. oh my gosh im the same way

    dont worry it will go away some time

    lately i havent been that much afraid

    does this pic look photoshopped?

  6. me to but im not that scared i think mine is bacause i used to live in this apt and i used to see things in the closet now im scared of the dark think back what do you think caused it ask your parents if youve had any bad experiences in the dark when u were younger

  7. Oh that sucks.

    I'm scared of the dark too but like.. not that much.

    There's not much I can tell you because I have xmas lights in my room as a night light ><

    Have you tried talking to like a professional or anything?

  8. try having the TV on when u sleep, it makes u feel safer, and when u hear thing, just imagine its your mom, making you something yummy. and sometimes if ur soo scared u can just count, and if that doesnt work go talk to ur mom, and maybe u can see a doctor?

  9. Turn on a light in your room, and put it somewhere where it will light as much as possible so you don't get any of those horrible dark corners where you get the feeling there's something lurking there. I am also afraid of the dark, but I always feel better if I close my eyes because then at least I can't see it! Sounds silly I know, but you probably know what I mean. If it's that bad, then you should probably talk to someone about your fear. If you're stressed at the moment, that may be why it's come back now and much worse than before! Just take a look at your life and see if anything may be causing the fear.  

  10. For the people who are saying there is something psychologically

    wrong with you, they're completely wrong. One-hundred percent.

    I have a big list of things to do if you are afraid of the dark. Feel

    free to e-mail me if you want the list.

    Also, try and "stand up" to yourself, since it really is you who

    is scaring you. Nothing mentally ill with you. It's sooo common.



    Oh, and by the way, you don't need proffessional "help",

    therapy, or pills. It's just sort of a night phobia. First,

    try to dig deep into yourself, ask yourself questions; Are

    you afraid of the dark, or afraid when you are alone

    and going to sleep in general. Maybe it's scary for you

    to fall asleep during broad daylight? Try thinking about a big

    test or school shopping or something that is very time consuming.

    Again, feel free to e-mail me if you wish.


  11. Everyone at some point is afraid of the dark, get a night light for your room, and before going to sleep, listen to relaxing music or read a book, lay in bed and think of the ocean and concentrate on the waves hitting the shore (mediate) and remember there is nothing in the dark that can hurt you- you might only be scaring yourself.

  12. Its okay I'm 15 and I get scared of the dark too.  Sleep with the light on, have the tv or music on, hide under your covers and think about something else, realize that your mind is MAKING you hear and see stuff.  Like I always think I see ghosts sitting in cars but its just my head.  Try to think about something in your head that you know will like keep your attention away from your fears.  I watch a lot of horror movies so thats why I get really freaked out, so if there is something that you think might be causing your fears stop it.  

  13. wow.

  14. Take some pills.

  15. first off, you put this in the makeup section and secondly, you need psychological help. i mean it's ok to get a little freaked out by being in the dark, but you need to tell your parents and get some help...seriously. to comfort you until then, just remember that monsters and c**p aren't real and how about listening to an iPod or something when youre going to sleeep so you wont "hear things" alright? get help.

    good luck

  16. I'm 13 and I'm scared of dark but only sometimes coz

    I imagine things like monsters and stuff waiting for me behind the corner

    but most of the time when I'm in bed i hide under my pillow and try to sleep

    Maybe its a bad and pretty stupid thing but it just shows that u got lots of imagination

  17. your kinda like me... [=

    i always think i hear,see,and sense things that i know arent really there. But the problem is our brains and senses are you d**n tired that they start going into overload, making your senses shoot out random tricks....nothing is really their . But i suggest sleeping all night for 2 days and BAAAM it will be somewhat beter

  18. erm speak to your parents and to a gp. they may beable to refer you to a counceller to help you  discuss the route of your fears.

    It is common for  people to be uneasy  about the dark.. but not to the point where by you make yourself ill and depressed.

    It sounds to me like you have unresolved issues that are developing into a fobia- which if you dont  deal with them could  develope into  bigger unrealistic fear.

  19. You know I went through that same faze when I was 9.Don't let it all get to your head.Don't worry and always think positive because the more you thin about it the more it will seem to get worse.Just remember that God is on your side and he will protect you.There is nothing in the dark.And if anything these things you hear and see might be angels looking after you.Remember to pray at night before bed and you will be fine.I had to learn the hard way!

  20. Go to a school counselor or psychiatrist or something.  Technically, you'd be a patient so meetings would be confidential.  Your parents don't even need to know!

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