
Im scared of the skatepark!!! TT-TT

by  |  earlier

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Reasons y:

1. not good (can ollie, walk the dog, sometime can land a kick flip and pop-shuvit, and manual for like 5 sec.)

2. scared they might jack my board

3. kill me (happened to my friend *sob*)

4. they might make fun of me because im asian (not a lot of asian skaters here)

5. my mom might come with me TToTT

6. i have only 2 friend that MIGHT come with me

7. i think i might get in ppls way and they will get pissed!

and thats about it--- should i still go or not?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!




  1. i'm sorry but your kind of stupid.#1 first of all u got your basic tricks down and that's all u need.when i first went i only knew how to ollie and shuv-it. #2no one's gonna jack your board if your on it the whole time! if your just there leaving your board around go home! #3 is a little scary dude can't say much. #4 this is a stupid reason cause i'm asian to ppl don't make fun of u unless your a dam* poser. #5 mom? that's not really a problem if  you can at least ollie

    then u can prove to your mom your really good at it,( just an ollie would impress them, an decent one though)! #6 friends  its good to them around but they cant always go with u i, i go with my friends and cuz some times, but sometime i like to just go alone to chill and make new friends too! #7 find a spot that's not crowded.

  2. **** them just go and have fun and do wat u want

  3. if ur just learning its what eva. go and skate and have fun.its olny about u and the board no one else.

  4. practice at home and then go to the park with a friend

    and I'm pretty sure they didn't kill your friend

    and make SURE that your mom doesn't come

    that would bed disasterous

  5. no.!!!

    there's no point on goin if you

    dont want to...

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