
Im scared ov Aeroplanes???????????

by Guest63331  |  earlier

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Im scared ov aeroplanes but have to go on 1 soon to america

ma family say it will take about 8-9 hours but i hate flyin

cuz ov what happened in the 9/11 attac

what shall i do?????????????




  1. stay home

  2. in theory air travel is still the safest way to go. don't worry nothings going to happen, you will most likely sleep through most of it :)

  3. You had better make peace with god, before you go. because if you don't who knows what will happen.

    it appears that you are also scared ov spell check!

  4. Don't be scared...

    If u believe in God, and have trust on God, then u should know he will protect you. Have Faith!!!

  5. dont worry about it, it is the safest mode of transportation

  6. Get on the plane, enjoy the first hour or so.  Then take a nap.  Before you know it you will be here. Then, treat yourself to a Big Mac, Large Fries and a Large Coke, to celebrate your arrival!

    Or as someone else stated, be a pansy and stay home.  LOL.

  7. Look, I flight a lot.  You could get killed easier on a bus.  An airplane is just a big bus in the sky.  So why worry?  If you are going to be blown up or hijacked a mall, bus, train, store, bank, or any other public places is as good as any.  Beside, an airport security is more tight than a local museum so the chances of dying are greater on a place like that.

    Is more dramatic to see an airplane crash than train or a bus crash.  Both are crashes.  Right?

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