
Im scared shitless!

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i have court in a little while, for shoplifting ik ik stupid, but im like freaking out, anybody know exactly what i have to do\say when i get there? like are they gonna ask me questions and what do you think my punishment would be?




  1. should of thought of this before being a theiving b*****d, low life scum

  2. tell them your mentaly insane and they will give you a break

  3. Well i'm pretty sure they'll just give you probation if it's your first time. They'll probably tell you a year probabtion but it'll really only last 5 or 6 months. As long as it's your first time and you don't have any priors.

  4. First off this is the keep the world green page


    And you should put your question in the Law page of Yahoo question


    But seeing you got to stand before the Magistrate soon


    The court will look in your eyes the window to a persons soul it is called and make the decision while looking there  




    The best advice is to tell the Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth so Help you God


    Do that and you will have nothing more to worry about but the stupid thing that you did and will never do again

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