
Im scared that my bunny?

by  |  earlier

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Im scared that my bunny might be sick because he's had ticks before and they went but how do i know if they left a disease?




  1. Put gloves on when touching him. He could have a disease that you could get! Take him to the vet as soon as possible.

  2. Take your pet bunny to a certified vet if you are scared. Put on gloves to handle the bunny just in case some random diesease spreads into the human world!

  3. If you rabbit is lively, well and eating then i would not worry.

    If your rabbit is sluggish and off its food then a vet visit is in order.

    If you are still generally concerned and unsure of your rabbits health then take it to the vet for a health check.

    Rabbits should have health checks at yearly intervals to check they are in good health and do not have any teeth problems which is very common especially breeds like the lops, lion heads and netherland dwarfs, also pet shop rabbits. Rabbits in the UK and Europe should also be having their myxomatosis and VHD injections on a regular basis, 6-12 months for myxomatosis depending on the area you live in and once a year for VHD.

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