
Im scared that someone I love may be into child pornography. What do I do...?

by Guest33242  |  earlier

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I love this person deeply with all my heart. Over the last 5 years I have seen evidence of pornography being looked at on the computer. Most of it is normal, and although Im not thrilled about it, I try to ignore it. On two occations I have noticed links in the history with the word "lolita" in it, which as far as I can guess from my internet searches, has something to do with a sexual facination with young girls. Today I noticed that in the google toolbar history was a search for the word "p*****n". I clicked on the search to see what the results would be. Two links were clicked in the results (you can tell because its highlighted in purple). I followed those links and both had something to do with 12 year olds and pornography.

I dont know what to do. i dont want to loose this person from my life and Im terrified to say something. It is naive to just dismiss it as a mistake? Why would he be searching for the word "p*****n"? Would it be wrong to dismiss it as a harmless curiousity?




  1. There is definitely nothing serious about an individual having a general interest in Pornography, however once that interest turns into social deviance the situation should be addressed immediately, But in the other persons defense it could have been a minor curiosity with no serious obsession to child pornography, it really depends on how much of it is going on. I suggest you have a thorough discussion with your loved one to see how serious the issue is, but my advice is if this loved one is a spouse or partner is to leave once it has been confirmed that there is a problem with this individual and child pornography,As far as involving law enforcement there really is no need because if there is indeed a problem going on with this individual he'll end up getting himself into trouble Good Luck

  2. I feel for you girl.  First I would verify that he is actually into kiddy p**n before you start calling him out.  Install a keylogger on his computer (assuming it's yours its legal), and get screenshots of what he looks at.  If it is in fact kiddy p**n, ask him about it.  (Don't tell him you've been spying on him, hint at it.)

    If it is idle curiosity and he doesn't seem obsessed with little girls, I would let it go.  But if he shows an interest into girls in real life, I would be concerned.

  3. you don't mention age.  if you have young children in the home, be worried. try to find out from them in an if he ever approached them. go seek help with this problem.  you can't handle it yourself.  there must be someone you can talk to about this.

  4. Yes, it would be wront to dismiss this as harmless curiosity.  You really need to confront him, tell him that he must get help or you will report him to the authorities.

    Sorry to sound harsh, but I was abused as a child and the girls in those photos are being abused, plain and simple.

  5. You need to confront this person and ask.  It is hard to do so, but it is even harder on you to dismiss it and have it reappear later on in life.  If this person is in fact fascinated by pre-teen photos and/or pornography, then it is just a matter of time before this person acts on this impulse.  This person needs help.  This person will not get help as long as it does not interfere with their personal life.  You will be doing both of you a favor by bringing it up now.

  6. Viewing child pornography is a stepping stone for future pedophilic behaviors.  Like someone else said above, if you have young children be very worried about them.  In today's society it is well known that law enforcement is very strict about child pornography.  There is no excuse to "be curious" about it.  Anyone who clicks on multiple links about the subject after typing in those search words has an unhealthy interest that could end up bringing trouble into your life as well.  Good luck.

  7. are you serious Lolita i have seen that used on girls 30plus mainly latino

    and p*****n is used widely in japanese p**n because they look young..

    also just because it come up in Google done not mean it was what he was looking for. I've typed in Google for a product and its come back with holidays and p**n links.

    if you feel that strongly about it ask him but don't jump to pedophilia when i could be a genuine mistake

    the 12 year olds you should report the site to the authorities

    via this link

  8. Do the history search again.  Click on the sites and print them.  When you confront him, do it with the printed sites in hand.  Tell him you are not judging, you want to help because he is treading in dangerous territory, but he will explain it.  If he cannot, you want to help.

    You may have to password lock him out of the internet.  Just set the parent locks, and don't give him the password.  You can even limit the types of sites he goes to.  This is legal only if it is your computer.  If it is his, he has to take his problem to task himself, but you can suggest it to him.

    Write up a contract in which he agrees to seek therapy.  If he goes to the therapy, advise him to not admit to anything specific.  If he admits to a crime, the therapist HAS to report it.  Also in the contract, you need to set up consequences.

    You did the right thing.  Do not take this out of the house except to a therapist.  If law enforcement gets involved, he will go away for a long time, and his life will be drastically changed.  I know too many men this has happened to.

    If this helped, and I can be more specific, email me.  Happy to help.

  9. omg i feel so bad for you, youve had a baby with him.  hes looking up pre teen stuff...hes a monster.  you need to get out asap.  he is a liar and will always lie.  dont think of him first think of your child, you dont want your child touched.  in his youth he felt powerless.  hes wants to be powerful over a helpless person.  then on the other hand this could all be fantasy and it can be nipped in the bud by having him go to a psychologist and getting counseling.  you need to see the huge danger here.  good luck.

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