
Im scared to fly and everytime i think about it i get scared and i start crying?

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i hated flying since 9/11 and i am going to florida and im scared. what can i do? and please dont say suck it up and go or do things to keep my mind off of it. those things dont help. PLEASE HELP ME




  1. i used to have this same problem too.  you will probably be scared until you get onto the plane but just think how many planes take off and land safely every day.  i mean you havent really heard of a plane crash since 9/11/. right?  and also just think how lucky you are to get to go to florida. i know that thousands of people would kill to go to florida right now.  when you get onto the plane try to find a seat in the front or the middle of the plane not the back because it is the bumpiest.  and if you can't do things to get your mind off flying, like i can't, just sit there and when the plane gets bumpy just close your eyes and say it will be oven in a minute.  i hope this helps. i will be flying this week too! good luck!

  2. I personally suggest try going to sleep as soon as you get on   the plane, possibly even if you have some sort of sleeping pills or whatever. There usually is around 15-20 minutes right when you board before you actually take off so try sleeping and hopefully you wake up in Florida. (im not saying your going to die, im just saying that you dont wake up while still in the air lol)

    Also what my mom always tells me when im scared, think of the amount of planes that take off everyday, even in thunderstorms, rain, strong winds, etc. Thats hundreds of planes a day and millions upon millions in a year. The last major deadly plane crash was 7 years ago. So around 7 million planes took off without a crash. So basically you have a better chance getting shot by a bullet, killed by a train, getting some very rare disease and so on, then getting in a plane crash.

    Also on an interesting note, there are 4.31 accidents per million takeoffs in Africa! Africa is probabley the unsafest place to fly (old technology, old planes, bad communication, etc. )

  3. Just stay calm and pray.

  4. You need to sit down with a therapist who specializes in phobias.  Your fear is irrational, so no rational statement from an internet stranger is going to change that.  You need to commit to dealing with this fear.

    Education is usually the best way to deal with fear.  Research the facts - get cold hard data on just how safe airline travel really is.  Yes, a thousand things could go terribly wrong - but the fact is they usually don't; airline accidents are few and far between.  You're safer in a plane than you are in a car.

    Rigorous new security measures make it incredibly difficult for any would-be attacker to get any weapon on a plane.  Undercover air marshals ride random flights to provide direct security.

    Admit that your fear has to do with a single traumatic event, and not any danger inherent to flying.  Allow yourself to mourn and grieve for that tragic day, but realize that it is not connected to your current safety.

  5. Once you get on board the plane I think your apprehensions will disappear.  I think the thoughts of  getting on it  are scaring you the most.  There is so much security now and all the crew members are trained in classes dealing with terrorists.  I think everyone felt like you do after 9/11 and didn't want to fly but once they got on the plane , and realized that it would be fine, then they seemed to concentrate on their destination and the good time they would have there.  Planes are great now with all kinds of  videos and programs to watch.  If however you get on and you still feel scared , there is a pressure point on your hand, it is between your pointer finger and your thumb.  The soft area inbetween.  If you feel anxious then just rub this area and you will start to relax.  Try it it works.  Have a great time in Florida.

  6. hey same thing with me... after that happened i was terrified to fly and have been... but last summer we also took a trip to florida... i had never flown in my life (i was 13) and i didnt want to go. I was jittery and telling my dad i just want to drive.. (15 hours for us haha)... But i just stuck with it... I acted like it was no big deal and played it cool, That REALLY helped me. Try to have your parents understand that your affraid and ask them that when your on the plane to not make a big deal of it... While flying i also watched SNL and it took my mind completly off flying. Just stay calm, conservative and dont think about it... Theres absouluty nothing to worry about especially with the ridiculous security measures. Remember the odds of Even dying in a plane crash are 60 MILLION to one... your more likely to win the lottery twice or get struck by lightening than be hurt in a plane crash

  7. The only thing you can do is face your fear.

    You can try to take a nap on the plane, or do something else to occupy yourself.

    Just think about what a great time your going to have in Florida ;)

    Who knows? You may enjoy flying once you get to experience it.

    I enjoyed it myself the first time I flew.

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