
Im scared to go and collect my exam results tomorrow!!?

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Tomorrow the A Level exam results are out, and we have to go to the school to collect them. I know this is going to sound stupid but I generally am so scared, and It's not just the fact that Im scared I haven't done well, but mostly Im scared about actually going to the school. I only moved there recently and don't have any friends there. I really do have no confidence what so ever and Im scared cause all the teachers will be there and it will be so intimidating and also I don't know what to wear! To make it worse the school isn't in my town so I'll have to get the train there which gives me more time to worry and I haven't even got a friend or anyone to go with me cause my best friend is away on holiday.

Please help!! Oh I wish I was confident!




  1. It'll be okay :] everyone will be really nervous and on edge, so you won't have to talk to anyone or show anyone your results. Just turn up, take them, and leave. Last year I didn't open my results til I got home. That works pretty well, when anyone asks what you got you can just say you don't know.

    I get my results tomorrow too :] good luck!!

  2. And I thought I was worked up about exam results! I collect mine tomorrow too. You can just go in and out when no teachers are around to talk to you and take the envelope home if you like. Just remember, there will always be someone more frightened than you. Wear normal clothes, it's not like you will be going back there again for anyone to judge you once you have left. I'm sure people will be more concerned about their results than what you are doing or wearing. Good Luck.

  3. Hey, I know what it feels like, and my sister is collecting hers tomorrow too! But you have to be confident, and prepare yourself for them. After all, the exams have already been taken so there's nothing to worry about, and whatever the results are, I am sure that you have done the best you can and that's what you have to remember!

  4. You will be fine, if you believe in yourself, repeat the following phrase out loud, it usually calms me down:

    "I haf ray beez"

    If this doesn't work, then laugh.

  5. Don't go!

    WHATEVER - that's the easy way - face up - get your reward!

    You pass - well done!

    You fail - try again! (If you want to)

    Either way - you have been the mistress of your own destiny!

    I wish you.... the results that you deserve!

    Best wishes!

  6. Hello!

    im also collecting my a-levels too...and im bricking it!

    when you go to the school tomorrow there is no-one saying you have to stay there...just go to the school collect your results and go home...that way you'll probs be only there for 10 mins

    tbh you might just be so interested in your own exam results to bother with the teachers or other people!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

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