
Im scared to go back to school...?

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ok so I'm scared to go back to school because of this boy last year i told the teacher that he touched me in certain places and he got suspended....well now he hates meI'mm so scared to go back because he might make fun of me(he's very good at that)andI'mm not that good at being made fun at....i don't want to curse at him because i don't do that....i tried ignoring him for a month and that only made it worse what should i do?i really don't want to be a tattle tail




  1. I Think The best thing for you to do is just hang out with yuour friends and just ignore what he says and what his friends say there just being immuture  and it will pass over verry quickly

  2. If he makes fun of you, just make fun of him back. Get a group of friends that are pretty much always with you. Try to get him to only have the chance to approach  you when you're with someone that you trust or are at least in friendly terms with. Then, if he makes fun of you, say something to him that will generally make the other person laugh at that guy. That way, he won't be as keen to try and get you. If he pesters you while you're alone or something tell the teachers again. Suspension might not be as bad as the old fashioned discipline but those that are suspended twice, rarely get suspended again.

  3. You made the mess and you need to clean it up

  4. You know what? You did the right thing by doing that! That boy might have some issues of his own if he thinks it's perfectly okay for him to touch a girl inappropriately. I had a boy reach over for no apparent reason and flipped my breast then bragged about it. I didn't tell anyone even though the entire class was standing in line. This was back in th grade for me [eight years ago].

    I hope you know you did the right thing, and that does not make you a tattle tale! There's no touching of any kind allowed on campus [even hugs...] If he continues to make fun of you, go tell a teacher or even the principal because that could become harassment, especially if he does this constantly. Either that, or ask a couple of your friends to stand by your side when you confront this guy about his bullying and that if he does it again, you'll let the principal know about this. Something has to be done otherwise this kid will think he can get away with whatever he wants to because nothing's being done about it.

    By the way, if this was allowed, I'd punch him in the face. lol :) Good luck!!

  5. Just stay on your toes....  If he tries something, just tell someone.  It appears to be his fault from the beginning.

  6. First of all you need to tell a teacher cause it's the right thing to do especially when it comes to bullying and sexual harrassment THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A TATTLE TAIL it make you SMART. First day go to the principles office and tell him or her about whats going on, that way if he trys more stuff it will be on record and the teachers know (They can look out for you). If a guy did that to me it would not go on that long I wouldn't allow it after what had happend when i was younger. If after telling the teacher doesn't work tell your parents. You should allways be around your friends and other people. But never be afraid of him or what other people think the only person allowed to judge you is god himself. It's so deep how shallow some people can be. Next step is to learn how to hit a guy ask your dad he should know he's a guy. My tip would be to go for the throat and punch as hard as you can if you hit him hard enough he'll go down. Never ever go anywere alone worst mistake ever. Not to scare you or anything but use the buddy system take a friend with you if you need to go to the bathroom or something. You don't want to risk it. I hope you get through this have strength.

    Much love :)

  7. Jen's advice sounds good. I have a question though, out of curiousity: Did he actually touch you in certain places, or did you do it because he bullies you?

  8. If someone teases you they most likely want a reaction, so don't  give them one.

    If the bully see's that what he is saying has little effect he may stop the harrasment.

    And a kind reply is what he would least expect. Mildness is sign of strength.


    Hope this helps!!

  9. You will find that all through  life things like this will happen to you.  As you mature you will find that the only person  that you will be able to rely upon will be yourself.  Just bite the bullet and see if there are any school friends that you can count on.  If the boy gives you any trouble, just do what you did the first time and report it.

  10. now is the time you make friends with her...

  11. wow, what you should do is get some of your friends on your side and he'll be afraid to approach you if you have lots of other people near you. if he does it again somehow get his mothers phone number and call her and tell her what is happening and he'll be in alot trouble if his mother even cares

  12. It's not being a tattle tale if you really are scared, but kids can be so cruel. You need to tell a teacher, a principal, your parents, or if it's easier, just a trusted older relative. You're being victimized and that's not fair.

  13. First you're living in the past.

    Go buy the book "The Power Of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.

    P.S. There's no future living in the past.

  14. Avoid him at all costs, and even if he is in a couple of your classes do not make eye contact with him or any body language whatsoever. If he starts picking on you tell him that what he did last year was uncalled for and unacceptable. If he literally wont stop take into higher hands ( assistant principals, the principal, or even talk to the guidance consul er) Do not be afraid to talk to the guidance consuler, be calm and collected and the consuler will help you with your problem with this certain boy. Even if you do take it do the guidance consuler don't think your a tattle tail because your not, your doing the right thing. So dont ever be afraid to go to an adult for help, because chances are they can make the problem go away. :] always be strong and stand up for yourself =D

  15. you are going to have to go back to school and deal with alot of the problems that came about because of the incident, but you cannot blame yourself. this boy obviously has some problems of his own, and is of course taking them out on you. even though you are probably going to get blamed and made fun of a little bit by this boy, you need to deal with it and know that you did the right thing, and his opinions mean absolutely nothing.

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