
Im scared to go to school?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't went to the first day of school because I had an hospital oppiment now tomorow I need to go to school ppl thinks I dont go to that school should I just go to the teacher and tell him Im here or just stay In line until we go inside of school until he knows Im here.




  1. I dont really understand your question, but don't be scared about going to school. If your worried that the teacher wont know your here, just point out to him your here and that you had an appointment at the hospital yesterday,

  2. I have no idea what you just said. Try adding some punctuation and correct spelling, maybe then I can help.

  3. that's funny lol

  4. nothing more important than education. Go to school... be confident and approach the teacher. Don't give long explanations unless asked for it.  ;)


  5. what carter said

  6. what's scary..

    sir.. i wasn't here yesterday.. i had an appointment

    teacher: ok... have a seat

  7. Yeah ok...


  8. You shouldn't be scared. You can just stay in line, wait untilyou go to class and tell your teacher that your there. Are you scared because you were absent for the first day of school? Don't know what to tell the teacher... then you probably should have your parents/ guardians call the school or go up there with you with a doctors note etc... then problem should be solve.  

  9. Either way - your teacher will welcome you and let you know where you should go (your desk, hook/locker, etc.)

  10. DeEs MaKees noe SeANcae @ aLL...

  11. what the **** LOL!

  12. Go to the teacher as soon as you get in class and tell him or her why you were out the first day and everything will be fine.  What's to be scared of?

  13. Im sorry i didn't understand that at all but if you are scared to go to school you should speak to your parents about it or ask your friends what you should do from their point of view. x*x

  14. get ur mum to phone up

  15. what Katie said

  16. heh, it shows you didn't.

  17. dunno. u just have to follow ur school's attendace rules.

  18. You need to go to school. I cant understand  what you just said.

  19. Get there a little bit early so you can go in and talk to the teacher and explain why you wernt there yesterday.  

  20. You make no sense.

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