
Im selling up and goin to spain is this wise?

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Im selling up and goin to spain is this wise?




  1. probably the best move you will make in your life.i myself am planning on doing the same because I've come to believe this country has turned into a toilet.good luck to you.

  2. If you have been to Spain and/or are fluent in Spanish, you like the country, and will have accomadations and a means to support yourself once you arrive, then more power to you.

  3. Yes as long as you do your research first. I have friends who have bought villa`s out there and enjoy it. Be careful tho as wherever you buy your property beware the Spanish government can if they wish reposess without explanation and you have no comeback. Good Luck and can I visit ha ha.

  4. Yes. As long as you speak the language and can find a job (or are independently wealthy) and can cover your own medical bills and have no ties in the uk and you can integrate into the spanish society and culture and can handle the hot, dry weather and have absolutely no need to watch tv, see first-run movies, and buy english products.

    And as long as you don't mind being regarded as someone who appears to have failed in their own country.

  5. About as wise as staying where you are.....

  6. Did it two years ago.  We sold up, packed our lives in a camper van, took twelve weeks getting down to southern Spain and have been here ever since.  Best thing we have ever done.

    We did not speak Spanish and were advised not to learn before we arrived but to wait until we got here and learn the language properly (that has been the best advice).  We have two teenage boys who went straight into Spanish school and who are now totally bilingual and incidentally are both at the top of their class in all subjects.  No English is spoken in school apart from the English class.  We have set up our own design company, offering menus, business cards, badges, posters, stickers, t-shirts, the lot and (touch wood) it is going really well.

    You have to think about a few things though.  There is a huge expat community down here and many of them refuse to integrate into the Spanish way of  life, preferring just to create a "little England" in the sun.....avoid them like the plague, they have no respect for this country or its people.

    Make sure you take the time to learn the language when you get here, it really isn't so difficult and the Spanish people will love you for trying.

    Things work very differently here, you have to be patient, screaming and shouting at a Spanish worker because things aren't done immediately will get you nowhere (I see that only too often, so many times I am ashamed to be British down here)

    Life moves at a very different pace and you have to adapt very quickly or you will just fall by the wayside.  

    Be prepared to work will prob work twice as hard for half the money but the cost of living is so much less, you do not need as much money anyway.

    Don't be under the illusion that you are going to come to Spain and make a fortune, those days are well and truly gone...however, you will make a nice living if you are prepared to work for it.

    Get to know the Spanish people and immerse yourself in the culture, they are genuinely wonderful people and if you befriend a spanish person, they are your friend for life.

    Enjoy it to the full, living here gives you time to look around and appreciate life.  I live a 5 minute walk from the beach and no matter how bad I feel, I can just sit on the beach at any time of the year and the problems just melt away....even for a little while.

    Most importantly, winter lasts for about 5 weeks and that is a bad year...the rest of the time we have lovely sunny weather and the occassional rainy day is usually more than welcome as a respite from the heat.

    I would say, go for it...why not? What have you got to lose, you can always go back....although I never would!!!! Life is too damned short not to live it:)

  7. not if you're a bull

  8. just do it anyway - you only live once. and if it sucks you can always move back!

  9. Eight years ago i did the same and i wouldn't go back for anything!

    Beware that the first year is always the hardest and many people decide to go back to 'blighty' - if you do decide to stay however, you won't regret it!

    Good Luck!

  10. i think it's a grest idea why not change is good plus there are so many beautiful people over there!!  good luck and have fun!!

  11. wise, no, california is wise, maryland is wise, finland, the bahamas, jamaica, england, they are wise, but spain, no

  12. VERY WISE! This country is going to the dogs BIGTIME!  spain will be the new england very soon, i have said to my partner lets go before its to late! you wont be paying the sort of TAXES as here either! all the very best to you, i wish you all the luck, it does take bottle eh ! if you have a trade then even better, there are some good english communities  sprouting up over there, i would head for them  adios amigo's ( that might be mexican?).

  13. If you've decided that is what you want....Do it!

    I've been in southern Spain for the last 34 years, things all over the world have changed, not always for the better, but here in Spain you still have smiling faces and a "buenos dias" most places you go... if you have basic spanish, it is helpful, you can improve your knowledge by talking to the local people, watching spanish tv, and reading local newspapers and many towns have spanish courses for foreigners, given at the town hall facilities. The spaniard will always appreciate your making an effort to speak his language, and will be even more helpful in return... If you are going to live on the coastal areas, you will have a lot of people speaking english (and other languages too!) around you, some like yourself have just decided on a change and come to Spain....Good luck...I hope you find what you are looking for!

  14. Much better to sell up and move to Kefalonia ...see my kef pics

  15. take me with

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