
Im shy to take off my shirt in public?

by  |  earlier

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hello im 16 years old and i am a male and i am shy to take off my shirt in front of other people, thats why i dont like going to the beach or to a pool, how can i solve this problem?




  1. well go into a mirror and look at ur body, if its fat excersize daily, if ur skinny start going to mcdonalds :D

  2. Start going to the gym feel good about your body then show it off

  3. relax and take it off! are you fat or thin?

  4. parklogic33 has your answer.  My answer: get over it.

    All the Best.

  5. problem solved:  exercise to get your chest area buffed, a chisled 6-pack abs, v-shaped obliques.

  6. Hi slipknot, you mentioned in an earlier message that you were 15, so I guess you had a birthday.  Happy birthday!

    In another message you said that you had inverted nipples.  You also said that you share a room with your sister and that you don't want to take your shirt off in front of your sister when you go to bed at night.

    My question is why?  Does it have to do with the inverted nipples?  Are you overweight and worried about that?

    Most guys are embarrassed about something about their bodies - it may be their height, their muscle development, their body shape/size and so many other things.  Best advice is not to worry about it.  We think that everyone looks at us, but the reality is that most people ignore us - they may take a glance and then look away.  My suggestion would be not to worry about it and get on with your life.

    Good luck.

  7. ^^^ is g*y for you

    dude im fat and i walk around half naked in public all the time get over it

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