
Im sick!!! Really sick!!! ?

by  |  earlier

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i have a cold and my throat hurts bad.. im 17 i hate doctors... i think im dying!!! what do i do??? I feel really bad and im hungover!!




  1. You will probably have to go to the doctors so they can give you antibiotics.  Or just take Tylenol and basically you'll have to deal with it.  Hope you feel better.

  2. go see a doctor and quit being sweet after dark

  3. Well, It sounds like flu like symptoms.  

    depending on your location the flu might be around.

    Although a lot diseases have flu like symptoms.

    Common attackers:

    Streptococcus  (strp throat)

    Ryhnovirus (Common cold)

  4. see a doctor definately.

  5. u should take day quill for the day so u wont be drowsey then night quill to help u sleep soundly because when ur sick sleep is the best thing because ur body needs to recharge!!!

  6. Hating doctors is not good for health, me dear baby.

    Or u do one thing. U may, please, see a local homoeopath, who shall cure ur problem with sweet pills.

    U should see lot of life and enjoy it too. that's ur birth-right.

    Please, don't worry, for such a small problem.

    with best compliments from

  7. Drink alot of water. It will go away in time you just have to relax & ask your self what you body is "sick of you doing to it?". When you can answer that it won't need to be sick & will start recuperating

  8. stupid! don't drink!

  9. I thought ur not suppose to drink or get drunk at 17...yet. I dislike alcohol as much as u dislike doctors. Honey u know absolutely well ur not gonna die then why even say it? Havin cold and throat pain is the mildest of symptom. Hav u seen ppl dying? I hav. Nothin like u described.

    Anyways keep drinking warm water. Gargle with salt for ur throat pain. Take lozenges/strepsils( flavoured ones if u like). No cold drinks for a week. Cold tablets works well but i dont know if u need prescription for it at ur place.U ll be back to normal wit gud rest. And dont scare ppl with the headings Really sick!!!? U got me worried..Take care and alcohol whatsoever:)


  10. Baybee take you some Oil of Oregano to eliminate that cold and sore throat infections.

  11. Calm down, you're not dying. Why don't you call your doctor, tell him/her the symptoms, and ask them whats wrong? They'll tell you what to do, and, if it's really bad, well, you'll have to take a trip to the doctors. I don't think they'll give you shots, though. They'll probably give you some type of medicine to make you feel better. So don't worry. And I hope you feel better!

  12. don'tt worry!

    your not dying! I have felt that way a lot, except i don't drink so i have never been hungover, but i do get a lot of headaches. Just drink a lot of water and have an advil along with it. Also, eating oranges and having a lot of vitamin C.

    And give yourself a treat of chocolate/ w it !

    Feel better!

  13. have my sympathy...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    getting drunk only lowers your immune system further when your you should be saying your 17, your an idiot, and your getting what you deserve for getting drunk LOL

  14. I'll give you my non-alcoholic version of a hot toddy.  Try it, seriously.  It works wonders.

    1 cup of hot water

    1 oz. of honey

    1/2 oz of lemon juice

    Not only will it soothe your throat, but the heat will help loosen any congestion.  

    Drink a lot of water.  Even if you don't feel like it, force yourself to.  And get a LOT of sleep.  Sleep all day if you can.  People underestimate the importance of sleep in healing.  

    good luck.  Hope you feel better soon!

  15. OMG I had this and the Doctor says It Doesnt Seem Bad at first Week But Wen Ur Sleeping or in the middle of next you week you STOP Breathing. This is a Serious Condition U Need to got to the Doctor Please Take My Advice Please If ur telling me your too Scarred to go to a doctor when ur life is on the line and ppl love u and ur just gonna leave them and die then ur no the girl i thought u your!

  16. Supporting u this following URL

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