
Im sick but medicine can't help me!

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Okay well I have an extremely weak immune system due to the fact that I used to do a lot of drugs. I'm pretty much always sick. Now I have a cold and it's getting bad but I can't use cough medicine because it doesn't work for me (I used to get high off it , so now it has no effect on me) Does anybody know what I can do? My doctor is on vacation so yea , he can't really help me.




  1. the fact that you used to do a lot of drugs would not make you sick all the time.  maybe you have some sort of immune system disease.  you should get your blood checked

  2. Extra vitamin C every day helps.  

    Odorless garlic oil capsules every day also help as garlic is a natural antibiotic.  

  3. And that's exactly why people preach against getting high off of OTC medicines... when you need them, they won't work for you anymore.

    At this point, if the cold medicines won't work for you, all you can do it ride it out and let it pass. Drink plenty of fluids (water and Orange Juice would be best), get plenty of rest (sleep as long as your body needs, turn off the alarm clock if your schedule allows), and don't do much of any strenuous activity.

    Once your doctor gets back, you can see him and he might be able to write a prescription, but because of your previous uses, the prescriptions might not work as well either (it will be best if he knows about that so he can prescribe accordingly). You could call the clinic/hospital and ask if your doctor has a backup person while he's gone (to save time), but you'd have to give a lot of your information all over again.

    On the flip side of all that, there are a few natural products you could take to help boost your immune system so you can prevent the illnesses in the future. Some of the most popular ones for boosting the immune system are Colostrum, Mushrooms (Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi), IP-6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate), Beta Glucans, Elderberry, Echinacea (should be taken short-term only), and any antioxidants. Good luck!

  4. I definately have what you need send me an email

  5. You should know that the human body is well equipped to heal itself if you give it a good rest

    and plenty of nice clean water to flush everything out of your system.try to cut down your solid food or some kind of fasting but you must keep drinking pure water with fresh lemon.let your body heal itself,give it a time & you'll be fine.

    Good luck.

  6. go to another doctor

  7. I suggest you see a good acupuncturist and herbalist. There are herbs (and I don't mean echinecia from walmart!) that can help rebuild your system over time. Also, acupunture has been show to be very effective in rebuilding your immune system. it's not an instant fix, but if you commit to an alternative treatment, you can live out your life strong and healthy!

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