
Im sixteen anddddd...?

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i half to go to a anger mangement class, what is it like? like seriously.. no tv stuff.. i want to know what its really like




  1. Wow, I watched TRUE LIFE, yesterday night, and it was on anger management. Basically, the people went to therapy and talked about what made them angry and ways to prevent it. I know you said no tv stuff but this is really what it is like. When I was growing up I had an older brother who was 6 years older than me. He is 22 now my mom kicked him out when he was 12 years old and he has lived with my grandma ever since.

  2. you HAVE to go to anger management classes?

    uhm idk i can control myself so I've never been to one but I'm sure it's a lot like counseling.

    you'll probably have some one on one with a counselor and then do some group activities. just go there with an open mind and be open to the advice you're given.

    and sorry hun, but when you come to Y!A and you misspell something, you will most likely always get hounded on for it.

    so honestly, don't be offended. you're not the only one.

  3. read the book "iron man" by chris crutcher. that kid has to take a anger management class... maybe that will help you. and its a really good book.

  4. My best friend has had a rough past,  and she goes to anger management once a week. We call it group therapy when we talk about it with her, but you basically just go and talk about what goes on, why you get angry, and different way to look upon things, when you do get angry what you can try to do to control yourself. Just stay as confindent as possible and open your eyes to new things =)  

  5. one of my friends goes to that. she said you guys just like hang out and talk bout different ways to get your feelings out or to calm down and stuff.

  6. Heya

    I had to attend anger management classes for a while when i was 14/15. Basically you all sit down together and one to one with your councilor and talk about what makes you angry and think of ways to calm your temper like drawing , breathing exercises and different activities such as yoga. It was really good and worked. =] x*x
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