
Im so afraid of haveing an aneurysm help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, im terrified of ever having one of these, is there anything i have to look out for not do, please tell me my aunts friend in her (50's) died of an aneurysm, im 15 i wanna make sure that i have nothing to worry about and if i do, i need to tell my doctor to check me for an aneurysm

jus someone please help me with this!?




  1. Everyone dies. You don't get to choose what natural process kills you.

  2. relax.........the odds you have an aneursym at 15 (even if your aunt had one) are very very remote. The only way to detect them is MRIs and CT scans and doubt your doc will waste money on those tests since you are not a candidate.

    If you want to keep aneurysm at bay.....keep your blood pressure in check..

    eat lots of greens (brocolli, cabbage, kale, cauliflowers etc).

    do not intake a lot of salt (junk foods/chips etc)

    exrecise regularly

    dont smoke

    that will keep your arteries soft and supple well into your 60s and 70s.  


  3. my grandma just died from anuerism a couple days ago. Like a month before she was cauging all the time she could hardly talk, and she felt sickish and vomited a couple times. We didn't no it was anuerism till the last minute. You cant really preven anuerism, but those are some of the symptoms. If u have those symptoms for more than a week see your docter and ask if its anuerism. hope this helps

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