
Im so annoyed with people asking me for money?

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My husband and I make a fairly decent amount of money (we're not rich but comfortable). well, people see that and will not stop asking me for money. thats fine im a giving person but this is the 5th time someone asked me for money! I honestly can spare it (SPARE it) but i have to dip into our savings to give it. how can i teel them no w out sounding mean?




  1. Sounds like the person who is always asking for money is the same person who hasn't learned the difference between needs and wants. I can see giving money to some people a few times, but don't make a habit of giving them money. People have to learn that you only have so much money, and it was hard to come by.

  2. just say you cant.

  3. You need to just be honest with them. Tell them that you were glad to help the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and again a 4th time, but you feel like he/she is taking advantage of you. Say that you understand they need help but he/she shoudn't expect you to bail them out constantly when they need money.

  4. You need to stop giving it to people.  Obviously, word has gotten around that you will give it, so people keep asking.  Next time, just politely say "I'm sorry, I can't do that any more".  You shouldn't have to explain it to anyone, but you could always say" My husband and I have decided we need to save for...and then put something reasonable at the end "for our retirement" "to build and extra bathroom", "we need to get the roof fixed this year".  It doesn't have to be true, that's not actually anyone's business anyway.  Just say no and stick to it, no exceptions.

  5. Just DON'T DO IT. don't feel bad for saying no... it's YOUR money right! They should feel bad for having asked you to begin with!

  6. Say you don't have the budget to give them the money.

  7. It depends on your relationship to the person.  Is it a close friend or relative?  And if a relative, how close are they?  And do they really, really need the money?

    You need to look them in the eye and say, "Look, if I keep giving you money, I won't have any left.  Why do you KEEP needing money?"  It sounds like it's not an emergency.  If you do not feel comfortable telling them no, get your husband to accompany you in telling them that.  Unless it's a dire emergency, you need to put your foot down.

  8. Who are these "people?" Family is one thing because we are supposed to help family (to a point). And today is tough because of various downturns, so a hand up (not handout) is fine. When you say 4th, 5th time, are you talking about the same person? If there are different people, then it's not taking advantage of you because it's not the same person.

    If the same person's hitting you up, you could say that you were happy to help but you cannot continue bailing him/her out. As a matter of fact, if it's the same person, I'd have nipped it in the bud after the second time. It has nothing to do with how much money you have; this person needs to adjust their spending habits most likely and you bailing them out won't actually solve the problem. Offer to help them create a budget. Tell them about It's free!

  9. Just tell them you cant afford to or tell them its the last time

  10. My husband and I live comfortably and I can honestly say no one has ever asked to borrow money from us.  I have brothers who have had very hard times and never even hinted they needed help.  The simple answer would be to say "sorry, I can't help you" and leave it at that.  Hopefully you are not bragging about having bought new things or how much you and your hubby have.  We don't flaunt what we have or give anyone a notion of what we have saved.  Oprah once said this was the hardest think to do (say No), and she has billions.  Those of us who don't have money like that should find it much easier to do.

  11. tell them that they are starting to take advantage, that you won't be able to afford it much longer, and tell them to get a job.

  12. They ask because they get. No one can take advantage of you without your permission. Stop giving them permission.

  13. I have put thought into this myself. It happens to me and my Husband as well.From people in the parking lots to people at the driveway at the fast food spots we frequent.I used to give give give all the time, even behind my Husband back against his better judgement. but now im tired of the inconsiderate,rude and flatt out scary ethicks people have in getting money out of you...So now when someone tries to bumm money I simply say....oh wow I was just about to ask you the same thing.

  14. if you just say no,,and do not change your mind..this will do not have to justify what you have to anyone

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