
Im so depress after 14 months of trying no sucess to get pregnant,plz some help to have more chance urgent plz

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Im so depress after 14 months of trying no sucess to get pregnant,plz some help to have more chance urgent plz




  1. go to a doctor have them to run test and then give you clomid and take it to walmart and have it filled for like 4.00 dollars and that might help you to get pregnant  

  2. Jennifer-I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time becoming pregnant. It took me 4 months to get pregnant after a miscarriage and I wanted to I can only imagine your frustration.  I would go and see your doctor.  After a year of trying, doctors will usuallly do a fertility workup.  Perhaps your husband's sperm needs improved quality..or your tubes may be blocked. Regardless, I'd recommend you talk to your doctor. In the mean time, is your husband on vitamins?  Zinc is supposed to help with sperm count.  Are you on vitamins?  Do you have a good idea of when you ovulate?  Many women assume that they ovulate in the middle of their cycle, which isn't true for many women.  You may want to try ovulation predictor kits if you haven't already.  You can buy them at any drug store.  The other thing you could try is soy isoflavones.  Most people start out at 160mg.  You take them once a day on cycle day 1-5 or 2-6 or 3-7 or 4-8 or 5-9.  The theory is that if you take them early in your cycle, you'll produce more eggs, but they may not be as high of quality.  If you take them in the 5-9 range, you are supposed to produce fewers eggs, but more mature.  DO NOT take them for more than 5 days in a row or you might prevent ovulation.  

    So as a review to help you get pregnant:

    1) talk to your doctor

    2)make sure you and your husband are on vitamins. I used geritol as well as a b-complex vitamin for myself

    3)Know your ovulation through ovulation predictors.  You may also want to read up on how to determine ovulation by cervical mucous.  

    4) perhaps consider taking soy isoflavones.

    GOOD LUCK and  baby dust!

  3. Heya Hunny I Know how you feel i have also been trying for a baby and still no luck :( but let me tell you somthing us ladies have got stick together my mother allways tells me when the time is right it wil happen just try to relax and have fun in the bedroom if you sit there thinking about it over and over again its not going to happen i know this wil be hard but put it to the back of your mind have fun! good look and loads of baby dust ur way xx

  4. Try to get your hands on a Maybe Baby.

    Get a check up from the doctor, you might have a blockage or your boy might be giving you blanks.

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