
Im so frustrated and mad about my body!

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im 15 and last winter i gained 5-6lbs and this whole time i tried to lose it back but it was too hard

i tried eating 2 meals and exercise at night before bed.

that made my metabolism SLOW

i want a really FAST metabolism to lose 6lbs in 3 weeks

i was always scared to try eating 5 small things cause i thought itd make me fatter

my mom makes me eat dinner not a small portion meal

how much do i have to exercise?

can you make a time schedule of when & what to eat & work out??

if you have fast metabolism and have experience please help me

im so mad and frustrated




  1. u don't need 2 do anythang...

    just eat 2's workin 4 good stuffs....

    not some wack *** **** best foods...and then dudes say wow when they gonna see ya...

  2. first of all, if you want to speed up your metabolism, you need to work out in the morning as well as eat a good, balanced breakfast.  each body type is different and some people refuel their bodies better by eating five small meals, and some refuel better by three large meals.  one thing you don't need to do is buy into the gimmick diets and pills and that sort of thing, they don't work, and if they do, as soon as you get off of them, they put the weight right back on.

    the best exercise/diet plan that you can have is very simple.  in order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you are eating.  a good way to do this is to keep a food journal, and write down the amount of calories that you are taking in each day.  then that should determine how much you need to exercise.  there are numerous calculators out there for the type of exercise you like to do and the amount of calories that they burn, there are also calculators that help you determine how many calories you burn doing normal activities.  put those to use and you can see how many calories you are burning each day so you know how many to take in.  i hope this explanation helps!

  3. I'm a couple years younger than you and I have a fast/high metabolism and I was so mad that I gained 4-5lbs over the summer. My advice to you is that you are probably just growing. You cannot change the way that your body grows by eating less. Don't be so stressed about the matter. I was but then I realized that it was no big deal because all of my friends were gaining weight as well. It is a normal part of life.

  4. one little thing...eating a healthy breakfast will increase your metabolism for the day.

  5. Being a post-Anorexic my metabolism is as slow as a snail and it's unbelievably frustrating. However, I've found that by not drinking soda and not eating things like brownies, cookies, cake, etc, a lot of bloating goes away.

    Soda, sugar and junk foods can cause a lot of bloating, which may make you APPEAR heavier than you really are.

  6. Try eating less during your two meals. Don't stuff yourself completely full but don't leave the dinner table hungry. If you get hungry and need snack in between eat something that doesn't really have any calories such as carrots. Don't drink high calorie fruit drinks and soda. Try drinking water instead. Jogging is always a good way to burn off calories too. Make sure you get at least half an hour of exercise a day. If you do this you should lose weight.

  7. Just get a regular system going. If you eat 5 small portions rather than 2 big portions you will lose more weight this way as long as its healthy food not junk food. I also heard that really hot jalapenos work to speed up your metabolism along with exercising. I eat a lot of jalapenos and my metabolism is really fast. I hope you find something that works for you good luck.

  8. Okay, for 2 weeks?

    Monday-Sunday: Wake up, work out for an hour and a half.

    Do 45 minutes of Cardio and 45 minutes of weights, or 35 of weights and walk on a tredmill for the last ten.

    For breakfast during this two week period, you can ONLY eat:

    exactly 1/2 cup of plain, low fat yogurt with four chopped strawberrys and one spoonful whey protein.

    You can also eat 3 whole egg, egg whites. NO YOLKS. No salt.

    And a half of a banana, and one cup of low fat milk or water. NO orange juice because despite how you think it's healthy for you, it's not. It's very sugary infact.

    You can also have exactly ONE cup of oatmeal with exactly two tablespoons of organic honey and 1/4 cup of low fat milk, and a boiled egg or poached egg.

    DO NOT FRY your eggs.

    Inbetween breakfast and lunch, you should have two snacks.

    Between all your main meals, you must allow at least 6 hours.

    It's VERY important that for this to work effectively, you must have at least six hours between each meal and do NOT skip any or CHEAT.

    Your first snack should not be anything more than 100 calories.

    Those 100 calorie packs are NOT good for you. This diet is based off of fat, calorie and sodium in take.

    You can have a small handful of carrot chips (usually in the veggie section, they're pre-cut chunks of carrots.) and Italian dressing. Or olive oil and vinnegar. Do not eat any cream based dressings, I.E Ranch, Bleu Cheese, Caesar.

    Carrots have a lot of carbs and natural sugars that are good for you, and are very fiberous. Just don't eat too many, because that can be unhealthy and have too much beta keratine in your system.

    You can also bake a half of zucchini and eat it with minimal salt and pepper (This is actually really good.)

    Eat a half of an orange with 1/4 cup of non fat vanilla plain yogurt and a little granola.

    A half a piece of whole wheat bagel with organic peanut butter is good, and good for you! (This is also an option for breakfast, with a half banana).

    For LUNCH


    1 cup of lettuce

    1/2 tomato (also very high in natural sugar)

    1/2 spinache

    1/4 cup pine nuts (good protein)

    or 1 chopped boiled egg

    and one table spoon of goat cheese or feta.

    You may also have one half of a large skinless chicken breast (and eat the other for dinner)

    DRESS lightly with LIGHT italian.

    3 Hours after lunch,

    have one of the snack choices above.

    After another three hours,

    have another snack.

    After about an hour,

    go back to the gym.

    Have the same work out,

    make sure you are working out ALL the parts of your body,

    spend more time on Cardio if you're interested in losing fat,

    but lifting weights will make you look slimmer, faster.

    DRINK lots of water.

    You should drink between 6-10 9 oz water bottles a day.

    Drink water with and before every meal besides breakfast.

    You should drink ONE glass of water before everything you eat,

    to assure the consumption of less.

    All breads you eat must be whole wheat. You should only limit yourself to organic peanutbutter, all jellies, jams, a butters are not healthy for you (even if they say so on the lable, your just paying for more sodium consumption).

    You must eat WHOLE foods, nothing processed.

    STAY away from DIET lables on food products, those will only make you bloat.

    When you return from the gym, make a whey protein shake.

    1 cup milk

    1 1/2 scoop plain whey

    a reasonable amount of fruit (unless you're using a banana use half)

    1/2 cup of strawberries

    1/2 fresh peach (which ever you prefer)

    and 1 cup of ice.

    After about an hour you may have dinner.

    This should be the SMALLEST meal of your day.

    Eating LESS will make your metabolism SLOW.

    By eating small meals constantly, your metabolism will spend less time digesting a whole meal, training it to be faster with each small meal.

    For dinner you may have:

    1/2 lb filet of baked salmon (EXTREMELY good for you) over 1/2 cup

    boiled brown rice and 1 cup boiled broccoli.

    Keep in mind NONE of this should be seasoned with salt (Salt is sodium and with all the water your drinking, sodium causes you to retain water weight).

    You can have a 1/2 of chicken breast (chicken seems to be the most effective) with the same salad you had for lunch, but of a different variety.


    You can have 1 cup of whole wheat pasta with 1/2 boiled or baked tomato and 3 tablespoons of olive oil and grilled chicken, with 1/2 cup of a green vegetable of your choice (this goes best with the baked zucchini.)

    Repeat this for 2 weeks.

    I lost 12 lbs.

    If I can do it, so can you.

    BUT if you cheat and get off track,

    it wont' be effective at all. Your body will recognize the schedual after the first week, so your weight loss will be more dramatic in the second.

    Remember, if you want to keep the weight off, you have to excersize and have a balanced diet. This isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle.  

  9. When you stop eating that will slow your matabolism down.. try eating 5 times a day.. but keep small porportions.. it should not be thanksgiving when you sit down to eat. Try more fruits and vegetables.. this will kick start your matabolism.. I try to eat atleast 1-2 servings of fruit for breakfast.. this kick starts me and gives me alot more energy.. becareful of what time you eat at night.. even though mom and dad are cooking.. make sure they know.. you should not eat after 7... its too late on your body.. and even if you are working out before bedtime.. your body will store a good portion of that meal.

    What to eat:

    Whole Grains..Fruits.. Veggies..low Protein

    Working Out:

    Start out twice a week and get your Heart rate up to the correct rate when exercising.. and stay at that rate for atleast 15 mintues before doing a cool down..


  10. omg. youre just like me. im 15 too and over the winter, i gained 5-6 pounds. i did NOT like it. but i think i gained it because i was at home all throughout winter and didnt move much. like a hibernating bear >o< but i lost it and now, its summer, and im back to my normal weight. i didnt do anything different, but im sure i cut back on all the snacks i wouldve taken if i was at home. and just walking around probably helped.

    my friend lost 20~30 pounds in 3 months by running a heck of a lot. at night, she would run around the block for like thirty minutes every day. she cut down on junk food intake. and ate smaller portions. so if she can do that, you probably can too in three weeks.

    i would recommend not to eat anything 4-5 hours before you sleep. drink enough water and eat fruits cause it helps you digest faster and poo.

    my schedule for you. if youre at home all day. or most of the time:

    wake up 7:00  -- is that too early? i heard you digest faster in the        morning.

    do your hygene things

    EAT BREAKFAST. thats a must. dont skip out.

    8:00-12:00 do whatever you like. tv. computer. sleep. but try not to reach that bag of potato chips. if youre craving, put a little on a side dish and hide the bag as far away from you as possible so youre not likely to get up and eat more :D thats what i do.

    12:00 ish  eat lunch.

    1:00~5:00 do whatever you want again. if youre going to go hang out with friends, try not to buy food. but if youre hungry, try to share your food so you guys can gain weight together :D  have a light snack in there somewhere

    5:00 eat dinner

    6:00 to until you sleep. chill~

    if you want to exercise during your day, i would recommend it right before you sleep because if you exercise right after you eat, you might feel hungry again. but if you sleep right after, you might not know it.

    if youre eating more than usual, itll take a while to break your habit. so youll have to maintain your diet and exercise unless you want to gain that all back.

    good luck :D

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