
Im so frustrated...can anybody give me an serious one on what I need to do please~?!?

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I have had a hard time growing up, I am 24 years old, it seems like nothing gets any better even though I have busted my *** trying 2 get ahead in life, and It gets me nowhere but farther behind then when I started. My self esteem is low! I just feel sad all the time for like NO REASON! I just wanna find my way in life without feeling stupid...I want friends...friendship is all I ask...why does nobody want me?




  1. A bunch of people on here care enough to give you advise, empathize with you, give their emails, etc...  

    What does it all mean? You're not alone. I think a lot of us have felt the same way at one time or another. Everyone goes through low points in life. The key is to focus on the good stuff and let go of the bad stuff as quickly as possible. I would recommend reading 'The Secret' at some point. Its a good book and it might help.  

  2. somebody does want you

    you just cant see it

    and they might not show you


    i have aim-smile for lacey

    or msn-

    or yahoo-my email on here

    talk to me

    id like to really talk to you in detail

    so perhaps i can help you find a way to help you


    i may be young-but i am wise beyond my years

  3. the first thing to do is to realize god chose you he loves you no matter what you think of yourself so knowing that you can relax and stop trying so hard to impress people. God loves you and god is the only one you really have to please, is all you do to please God is have faith in him. Ask god to help you to love yourself good luck and god bless you.

  4. It sounds like you haven't found your calling. There's still a good chance that you can get ahead, you've got three quarters of your life ahead of you.  Do something that you feel comfortable doing. It's your life, don't be afraid to make it what you want. Anybody is capable of anything. NEVER tell yourself otherwise.

    People do want you. But the ones who don't aren't worth your effort. Chances are Karma will take them through a terrible divorce and you'll be giving them a dollar while they live under a bridge. Find your kind of people. Find your calling. Make yourself a legend, in whatever you do. I'll see you in fame.

  5. I know sometimes it feels like this, but you have to have faith. Maybe a cute/sad story from my life will help you.

    Before I was born, my mother had a tough life, she raised 2 kids on very little, and then she met this guy, I'm not going to tell you the whole story, but they got engaged, and had me. We didn't have much money, and my dad was depressed, [it was kind of a genetic thing], and he felt no point in life, and my mother told him that he had to believe in the future, and to keep moving on, no matter what happened, like there was nothing that could stop him, to keep faith.

    Because my mom had 2 kids already, and my Dad had 2 also, I was like a combination of them exactly, the 5th child. We didn't have enough money to support each other with how many people we had in the family, and the kids besides me didn't really get along. I was too young to know anything.

    But my mom eventually had to separate from my father, because of financial difficulties. Even though they loved each other a lot. My dad even tried to tell her that he didn't love her anymore so she wouldn't be hurt, but she knew. Then on, they moved on, and my dad got over his depression stage after my mothers encouraging, and life had gotten better.

    Some things you just cant change, but you do have to move on, just keep walking, like theres nothing stopping you. Be who you want to be, go to cafe's, clubs, parties, and just enjoy yourself, have fun at work. You have to work hard to accomplish, whether its leisure or not. Let  

  6. Hey girl! I understand.. life is tough sometimes. I'm 24 too.. if you want to email me you can. If you ever need to talk or anything. :o)

  7. Well, just based on your question you sound too whiny and too needy...

  8. First things first, you have to tackle your low self esteem. That a prime reason for feeling bad.

    Every time you stand before a mirror, tell yourself, just how great you are.  I know it sounds stupid at first, but you need to change your mind set. You  are a human being, and individual, there are 6  Billion people on this planet, and only one YOU! There has to be a reason for that.

    It's true life can suck and get you down, we all have those times. Luckily for most of us, we have a lot more up days, to balance us on feeleing good.

    As to getting friends, there is really only one way to do that, get involved in stuff. Go to places where there are lots of people. NIght school, is great for this.

    Check out a local City College or night classes at your local high school. Learn to speak Spanish, or how to play the guitar.

    There has to be something you enjoy doing.  

    To have a friend you need to be one, so if you see someone struggling, or in need of help, give it to them. Don't worry if you will never see them again. It will be good training for you.

    If you are in line at the Supermarket, or any place else for that matter, speak to some one, even a small chat with your checker.

    Look deeply into those things  you have tried, that haven't worked out for you, see if you can find out, where things didn't work, and try to change them.

    At your age, you still have years to go, so just get out of the rut you are in, and see if you can't make things work for you.

  9. Honestly, you have to find peace with in yourself before people can accept you. If you feel like a victim at all times, people will be put off by you and your negative atmosphere.

  10. sometimes life just hit the bottom of the edge, but if you never hit the bottom, you never know how to climb up high. I've been through my lowest point before, but instead of mourning about your life, do something else. Thk positive and act positive... go out enjoy working out, reading and having coffee the same time... etc etc... and you can do it your own and not that you really need friends to do with you...  

  11. is all cool....I love you !!!...and you'll be fine..ok..=)

  12. it seems as though you try to hard to prove yourself.  you should try going to clubs...just go and dance!

    have fun with your life. try taking time to spend with family and go out more. (like outside) haha =)

    pamper yourself! buy yourself somethin pretty...or get your hair cut a new way!

    go crazy and start loving life.

  13. Everybody's been there before.  Your age is a tough one too, or at least it was for me.  By 24, I expected to be married with a family, but I actually ended up being single and career-focused.

    You need to embrace what YOU are good at.  Everyone is good at something.  Go with it!  Quit worrying about friends so much - it's a lot like chasing boys:  "When you're looking for love, you can't find it;  When you're enjoying life, love finds you."  When it does find you, be the type of friend that you would like to have - listen, comfort, offer advice.  Be yourself - it will happen.

  14. maybe u need to go out more. go 2 some clubs, show ppl ur sweet side, meet ppl!

  15. Go out, meet friends and enjoy life. as long as you sit and feel sad nothing will happen.

    No one is gonna come knocking on your door and say lets be friends.

  16. my answer to you is that,  it is perfectly normal what you are going through.  I was going through the same thing last year and I am watching my older brother go through it now.  The sad realization is that you have developed unsuccessful ways of dealing with things.  I had a hard time dealing with the death of my sister, 1 year older than me,  You spend the aftermath of an unfortunate event feeling sorry for yourself,  and without realizing it at all, ( pay attention to this next time)  you actually let things get worse than they would have gotten if you would have come up with a quick solution to the problem right away.    think of life as a rollercoaster,  when you are going up a hill,  you need to be pulled by a pulley,  When you let yourself get distraught and give up,  that pulley isn't pulling,  and just like a rollercoaster you will always have the quick plummet downward,  Life has its ups and downs,  but what nobody else told you is that the ups are always a struggle and the downs are always quick and sneak up behind you when you least expect it.   As far as the nobody wants you part,  it IS related.  Everybody goes through the exact same thing you are.  When you are giving up on everything,  you create a giving up aura around yourself,  and attitudes affect people like music does,  Sad music makes you sad,  giving up auras make you want to give up.  So for a person who wants to climb uphill,  even though they will probably fall again,  it makes it harder for them to do that when you are giving up.  Looks are not everything,  ultimately your attitude will attract the most attention.  Try to stay positive,  Live everyday like you won the lottery.  Even if you are broke,  and dont let anything KEEP you down.  Oh,  things will bring you down,  but the only way to get to the next good thing,  is to keep on climbing,  the more you climb the better life will seem because you will have spent less time in the pit,  and more time speeding along the rollercoaster of life.

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