
Im so nervous about my first kiss help please??

by  |  earlier

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alright so tonight im going on my first date i'm 14 and my date is 15. I know he is ALOT more expierenced in the kissing department haha. And i am positve my first kiss won't be a little peck on the lips it will be a makeout session and im so nervous about making out i mean how do you french kiss etc. ahhhh help please im so nervous? any tips or anything would help thank you.




  1. It actually does come naturally. Is he ur bf or just going out?

  2. Don't start the date feeling obligated to kiss him, or makeout for that

    matter. It will make everything feel forced and predictable,that is not

    how you want a 1st kiss or date to go.

    Good Luck, Have fun & Be Safe :0)!!!



  5. I think when I was younger I made a question on yahoo answers about this. Some people wrote detailed responses with instructions and stuff, but I'll tell you what one of the answers to mine was, this one helped me the most-- Someone told me to not even think about it, and once it happens go with your instincts and everything will be fine. I know that doesnt make you any less nervous and youre still probably wondering about it, but trust me its the best you can do, once it happens youll be fine.  

  6. dont worry it will come natural :-)

    follow his lead ;-)

  7. why would u kiss on ur first date u should first get to know him better then on the second maybe i think it would be a little weird! lol! good luck!(:

  8. yea, go with the's natural as long as your in the mood and in the moment.If you're really diggin him then you should be, & also you can let him know that you have never kissed anyone and maybe he can teach u lol, you think it sounds crzii but if u guys have a good sense of humor, you'll guys think its funni & i'm sure if u tell him he will totally understand and you guys can just practice...

  9. Just relax.Tips:Don't open your mouth too much,close your eyes staring makes it uncomfortable,don't stick your tounge down his throat,just kiss with your lips first if he wants to he will put his tongue in first.Relax and enjoy....

    oh try reading this

    hope i helped!

  10. well since he's apparently the more experienced one, let him lead. just pucker your lips, open slightly, and close your eyes. yes, it is basically pretty natural, and doesn't require a whole ton of brainpower.

    if he darts his tongue in a bit and you like it, tease him back. if he shoves his whole tongue down to your stomach, slap him, because that's disgusting.

    don't do anything you're not comfortable with, and good luck. hope it works out between you two.

  11. he'll take the lead and then it comes naturally, promise.

    but don't be too sloppy.  

  12. Who says a kiss is going to happen it probably won't, not to bring you down.  It may be a good thing.  If he does kiss you, then makes out, stop kissing for a second, and tell him something like "You know, I'm not that experienced in this making out thing" or something cute and flirty like that.

  13. It is not that serious.

    Just stay with the moment and relax.

    The more nervous you are the worse it will be.  

  14. This is one of the things you can not prepare for.

    Just go with the flow. It will come to you.

    And yes, it comes naturally for most.

    Good luck

  15. NEVER kiss on the first date.

  16. Ew, making out on your first date (not just with him but first one ever!)? Make your first date special. Don't concentrate on the kiss. It's even better if he kisses you by surprise. Yes, it will come naturally. Hopefully you'll turn out to be a good kisser!

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