
Im so nervous cuz this stupid period?

by  |  earlier

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ive beeen having my period fo the last 3 days and it is so annoying

first, my blood is dark red..

Is that rite?

Is yours?

also, how come, it was like drooling down my leg.. even though i was wearing a liner

AND the stupid pads won't fit in my underwear so it's very very uncomfortable..

i am so freaking AAAGH

i have piano lessons too.. and the teacher is a girl..

what should i do, im soo nervous




  1. dont wory i've had my period it is sapost to b dark red the it turns light red near the end and the pad if thay dont fit try if its heavy try a tampon with a pad then if it light try just a tampon buy it self thats what i do

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