
Im so scared for my baby?

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i have a beautiful one month old girl. I love her so much. when i was pregnant i did the most stupidist thing and kept smoking. i know how pathetic and selfish that is . i didnt realise it was a big risk factor of sids and now im petrified. i just read some stories on sids and im so scared of loosing her. i look at her and am beside my self with fear that ill loose her. i love her and if i loose her i will not live.




  1. your baby girl will be fine, just have faith and stop smoking. I smoked when carrying but stopped at 2 months after havin baby i still don't smoke and glad i got off it :)

  2. Don't worry there's nothing you can do about it now. Just be positive and do the right thing from now on. It's good that you've realized your mistake so you won't do it again. Good luck.

  3. I know how you feel, i also smoked the whole time i was pregnant with my daughter, she is my first & only child so far only 8 months old, i was just really stressed & didn't know all the dangers until after she was born & was reading up on sids & such stuff. But my daughter is ok, & i know lots of other people who smoked throughout pregnancy & have healthy happy kids. Don't get me wrong i still worry about it from time to time as any mother would do, & if i had it to do over again, i would have quit smoking as soon as i found out i was pregnant, & if i ever get pregnant again i am not going to smoke at all, i am trying to quit now. Sids is a horrible thing, but i try to take my mind off it, & think positive & pray for her. It is amazing how much you love your child & we don't always realize how much we are going to love them until after they get here, especially new mothers.  

  4.      Always pray for your baby, always keep the baby healthy and don't belive at those stories. This stories may be fictional.

  5. Pray and believe in yurself

  6. Good, be scared and be happy you are.  There are some mothers who do not have that animal like parental instinct.  You will be fine, each mistake is one mistake out of the way!  

  7. i no how you feel i smoked when i was pregnant but i got one of those monitors that has a mat under the materess that tells you when they are breathing and an alarm goes off if they were to stop its really good at puts my mind at rest good luck  

  8. At least you know your mistake now and I'm sure you won't smoke again during a pregnancy. Just remember how many of us would have had mothers and fathers that both smoked while we were being baked ...remember smoking was once trendy!  Relax, I'm sure your doctor would have picked up any irregular breathing when she was born. Just keep an eye on her but don't stress. Remember babies can sense when their mum is upset etc. Just take good care of her and yourself.

  9. I am a senior who smoked moderately  when pregnant with first child . In those days it was either not known, or not publicized that smoking and second hand smoke was harmful. Our son was born perfectly healthy, but did have some bronchitis in a couple years. I think it was  due to the smoking in the house when he was an infant. After the news came out about the dangers of second hand smoke I never smoked in the house and eventually quit altogether.

    It will not help anyone to beat yourself up about it.  We cannot undo the fact that we smoked when pregnant, so just try to forgive yourself and not expose your beautiful daughter to any more smoke at all. You would do yourself and all in the house a good deed by getting into a cease smoking program.  You can do it!  Think of the savings in money, which could be used to paint the rooms to get rid the smoke smell. A  sign on the door could say "No smoking inside" if you have friends who smoke.  Relax and give Baby a more calm mother who is now doing her best to do the best for her loved daughter.  Positive thoughts are sent your way. You can do it for her sake.

    To ease your worries about SIDS perhaps you could get one of the remote controlled audio-visual monitors (like a web cam) so that you could see and hear Baby from where ever you are in the house. Our new grandchild has one and I was amazed at how technology can ease the worry of what is going on in the nursery when you are doing chores or getting some much needed relaxation. Positive thoughts are sent your way. You can do it for her sake.

    Please excuse lengthy post.

  10. pray about it. I'm sure God won't let you lose your baby

  11. Before you have your baby, your first baby, you don't realize just how much you will love them, you are just dealing with the pregnancy. I know, I did the same as you. Right now you are SO in love with her you are feeling guilty, I smoked when I was pregnant as well. My "baby" is 4 now and very healthy and happy. In fact she has never been sick a day in her life.

    Don't get me wrong, if I had it to do over again, I would NEVER smoke even a drag when I was pregnant with her. But don't beat yourself up over it, you are human and when you are pregnant for the first time you don't really understand what is coming especially if you have stress in your life.

    My mom smoked constantly with sis and I when she was pregnant, was normal back then. My sister is now a surgeon and I have also never been sick in my life.

    You are scared because you have her in your arms and you love her so much and now you are worried that you will lose her, but you won't.. take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back for being such a loving mother, which you are.  

  12. Stop worrying about it. I smoked during all 3 of mine, and my kids were never at risk. Then or now.

    The best thing for you to do is to stop listening to these non smokers put these dumb ideas in your head. That's what is driving you crazy. Stop listening to them. Of course they're going to tell you the negative side. What else do you expect a non smoker to say? Please smoke?

    Like I said, stop listening to them. Your baby is fine.  

  13. sids doesnt just affect babys of smokers okay just calm down and take care of your baby. worrying does nothing

  14. I'm not a believer but i heard "god" gives everyone a chance so pray for her.

    Good Luck.

    Other than that talk to a doctor or talk to some pregnancy phone lines about it.

  15. I am not sure if she is at higher risk because you smoked while pregnant.  She is at higher risk if you or anyone else continue to smoke around her.  She is the best reason to stop smoking for the both of you.  Good Luck and don't worry too much.  

  16. You should try to quit smoking now! 2nd hand smoke is the last thing that needs to get into her lungs!  

  17. reading stories about sids is the worst thing you could do!!!!

    stay away from that stuff. your going to spend your babies whole first year worrying yourself sick about sids.

    i think the only thing that is actually proven about smoking while pregnant is that you may have a premature baby or low birth weight.

    as long as you either quit smoking or smoke outside and away from your baby thats what counts.

    also... use common sense. dont put baby to sleep just after using orajel (actually just try to stay away from that stuff unless its your last resort)

    dont have a bunch of blankets or stuffed animals in the crib. stuff like that.

    just be the best mom you can be.

    have you ever thought about talking to a doctor to maybe see if your going into a type of a post birth depression?  

  18. first off settle down. All new mom's are afraid of losing their child. Sids does not just take smoker's children. Hopefully you will use this important lesson and be able to be the great mom that you sound like you are.

  19. all you can do is pray and leave it all in gods hands.

    and try not to blame yourself.god will ALWAYS make a wayy :]

    have hope && faith && just believe.

  20. As far as I know, she might have breathing problems, take good care of her! Im sure you love her. Try your hardest, maybe try to quit smoking now.

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