
Im so scared help!? !!!!!!! im really scared?

by  |  earlier

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hey everyone ok very quickly i need answers

im a fraid my sisters gonna run away or kill her self!

at the moment shes writeing a letter and i saw a bit sayin i love ya !! what am i gonna do?




  1. Go and tell her right now how much you love her back....

    Even if the letter is nothing... which it probably is... it'll do both of you the world of good.

  2. calm down, think it through (:

    could there be any reason for her to do that ?

    she could be just writing a letter to a friend (:

    go talk to her about it

    if you really think its likely, call someone, best your parents  

  3. tell you parents  

  4. get her some help. be there for her.

  5. tell your parents ASAP

    Go in and tell her how much you love her and how you would be devasted if anything ever happened to her

    That will make her feel loved and maybe change her mind about trying to kill herself.

    When this is all over with GET HER HELP!

    GOOD LUCK =]

  6. stop her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. wtf LOVE YAH!!!!! is a bit cheerful for killing yourselff shes prob writing it to a friend or are u sure it isnt a birthday card?

  8. are u sure she isn't writing a letter to a friend or someone she likes?

  9. You have to stop her however you can.  Please.  Call someone to help you if you need to.  Best of luck.

  10. If you think your sister really is going to do something to hurt herself, do one or all of these things:

    (1) Tell your parents what's happening

    (2) Tell your sister to call the Suicide Hopeline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

    (3) If you need more help, visit their website:

    Good luck, be safe.

  11. "I love ya!!" like that sounds cheerful, not like a killing yourself note...if your scared, why dont you just ask her if she's ok, and dont let her out of the house until your satisfied. Hugs

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