
Im so scared!!!!!!!!?

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my rat is sneezing alot and i just got him (duke) yesturday and people say he might have a respiratory desase and im so scared if thats mom said that we arent going to take them to the vet ever even if there sick! PLEASE HELP!!!!




  1. change the bedding and give him this: collidal silver.

    IT WORKS!!!!

    Give him one drop morning and evening, andput a couple drops in his water every time you refill it.

  2. It could be allergies or the bedding if it is dusty. I use Carefresh and dont have a problem with it. Other good bedding is Soft Sorbant or Yesterdays news. If your rat does have a respitory infection than the only treatment for it is an antibiotic. Respitory infections are horrible on a rats lungs. Each time they get a respitory infection it creates a bubble like abcess on the lung itself. Eventually because the lungs are so scarred up that is what the rat will die from. It may even be the stress of moving from one home to another. Alot of rats will sneeze uncontrollably when someone first gets them. Usually due to stress. Just give him time. The only time you have to really worry is when you see other symtoms accompany with it. Like wheezing, gurgling sound in the lungs, if they sound like they have fluid in there lungs. If you do see this and it goes untreated than the rat will most likely die. I dont understand why in the world your mom would get a pet rat and not take it to the vet when it gets sick. That is extremly irresponsible. If she knew this in the beggining she shouldnt have gotten the animal to begin with. But just watch your little one.  

  3. What bedding are you using? Pine, cedar, or any dusty material can be harmful for a rat's respiratory system.  Try aspen shavings, Carefresh, or something similar as bedding, that might help.  

  4. Get him some rat vitamins from the petstore and ask them for advice.

  5. Change your bedding. Dust can irritate the respiratory tract. This may help. Try carefresh.
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