
Im so scared!!!!?

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oh my word Im so scared!! its because a person on here said that somone had a girl (ghost in thier room!) and I know ghost are true because my cousin has a ghost in her house and a her aunt saw it! I belive her because even my church said there are ghosts!! demons. now I am in my PJs and I want to go to my room to change but Im scared to! because of the story of the ghost girl sitting in the bedroom!! help!




  1. I'm like that to. don't be afraid of it because what could it even do to you?

  2. Well its not the ghost that you dont know that you should worry about, its the ghost of family members seeing you naked that gives me the creepo's.

  3. Bible speaking of ghost(s) refers to Holy Ghost....the essence of God, His personality, etc. Demons aren't described as ghosts, but as real supernatural beings of darkness, servants to the devil. They can be invisible or visible. Bible says not to have a relationship with them or seek them. It also says that the devil, himself, can appear to be an "angel of light" to mislead people. It is why we are told to "test the spirits, to see if they are of God" (or from darkness). I used to see beings that some would think are ghosts, until I became a Christian and then learned, from the Bible, what to do about them.

  4. Is it a ghost or is it just your imagination running wild, 99% of the time it only people imagination.

  5. nothing is going to happen to you. you will be fine

  6. Dainelle R and faithanboots have the best answers. Ghosts only haunt those who fear them and don't believe in the trinity. Believe in God and have a cross on you, and you'll be a-ok!

  7. yes i bet u r. i was to my old house is hunted with not 1 not 2 but like 15 ghost.(SCARY)

  8. I would pray and keep praying, God will protect you and help ease your fears. Stop watching scary movies they only fuel the fire when it comes to hearing noises etc and hearing stories like this one.

    The thing you need to understand is that ghosts are not people that have not gone to heaven or h**l yet. They are either your imagination going crazy on you or they are demons. If they are demons the best thing to do is keep your relationship with God strong and if you feel the presense of one then say outloud "In the name of Jesus leave this house". If it is a demon it will not be able to stick around. Using the name of Jesus makes them flee.

    I would just assume it is your imagination though from the suggestion on here that there is a ghost in someone's room. i mean it could be me for all you know. I would assume it is because of this and that you will be fine as soon as you put different happier thoughts in your head.
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